created by TAPPDS command 194
default editor settinqs 345
used as input to assembler 23-28
conditional assembly statements, listing 24 overriding CMS file defaults 21
using under CMS 1-2,23-28 ASSG N command
DEN option 30 description 29-31
IGN option 30 LOWCASE option 30 PRINTER option 29 PUNCH option 29
READER option 29 SYSxxx option 29
T APn option 29
TERMINAL option 29 TRTCH option 30 UPCASE option 30 1TRACK option 30 9TRACK option 30 assignment statement 218-219
assignment s
logical unit, listing 118
system and programmer, unassigning 158
attention interruption, causing 9
ATTREST operand of RDTERM macro 335-336 AUTO option
of INCLUDE command 101 of LOAD command 121
automatic read function, setting 168-169
save function of CMS editor
canceling 219 invokinq 219 AUTOREAD option of CMS SET command 168-169 AUTOSAVE subcommand description 219 OFF operand 219
auxiliary directory, creating 100 AUXPROC option of FILEDEF command 93
characters, how editor handles 233-234
key, used with OVERLAY subcommand 239 BACKWARD subcommand, description 220 BASDATA filetype, default editor settings
base address, for debugqing, set with ORIGIN subcommand 211 BASIC filetype, default editor settings
345 BCD characters, convertinq to EBCDIC 31
BDAM, files, specifyinq in CMS 90 blank lines, displaying at terminal during EXEC processing 293
blan ks
as delimiters 2
FIND subcommand 228-229
as delimiters 2- 3
as delimiters 2-3
displaying in LINEDIT message text 322
overlaying characters with 239
removing with WRTERM macro 341-342
truncating from variable-length file
for virtual machine 166
for virtual machine, displaying
querying setting of 141-148
setting 166 BLIP option
of CMS QUERY command 141-148
of CMS SET command 166 BLKCT operand
of TAPESL macro 338.2
of TAPESL macro 338.2 BLKSIZE option
of FORMAT command 91
of FORMAT command 97
of TAPE command 189
of TAPE command 189 BLKSIZE option of FILEDEF command 91 BLOCK option of FILEDEF command 91
blocksize, specifying with FILEDEF command
93 BLP operand
of FILEDEF command 95
of FILEDEF command 95
from DOS/VS source statement libraries,
copying 113
from DOS/VSE source statement libraries
cop ying 113
copying 113 BOTTOM subcommand, description 220 boundary alignment, of statements in
assembler program 26 BOX (.BX) format word 342.2,342.3 BOX (.BX) format word 342.2,342.3
BREAK subcommand, description 264
breakpoints, setting 264 BSF, tape control function 188 BSIZE operand of FSCB macro 304-305 BSIZE operand of FSCB macro 304. 1 BSIZE operand of FSCB macro 304. 1 BSR, tape control function 188 BUFFA operand of LINEDIT macro
controlling for assembler
for VSAM programs 62
specifying with FSCB macro
specifying with FSCB macro 304.1 specifying with FSCB macro 304.1 328
26 304-305 specifying for RDTERM macro 335-336
specifying for read/write operations, FSCB macro 304-305 to copy LINEDIT message text 328
354 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
BUFFER operand of FSCB macro 304-305 BUFSIZE option of ASSEMBLE command 26 BUFSP option, of DLBL command 62 BUFSP option of DLBL command 62
built-in functions, EXEC 297 C CANON operand of IMAGE subcommand 233-234
card reader reading files from, BEADCABD command
155 reading records from, RDCARD macro 333 carriage control characters ASA, slmmary 330-331 handling by PRINT command 139,140 machine code 330-331 CASE sllbcommand
description 221
M operand 221 U operand 221 CAT opt ion
of DLBL command 62
example of usage in CMS/DOS 66-67 CAT option of DLBL command, example of
usage 69
catalogs VSAM catalogs) CAW operand of SET subcommand 273
subcommand, description 265 CAW (channel address word) changing in debug environment 273
displaying in debug environment 265
format 265 CC option, of PRINT command 139 CD option of DSERV command 77 CHANGE option
of DLBL command 61
of FILEDEF command 91
of LABELDEF command 110.1 of LABELDEF command 110. 1
description 221-223
effect of zone setting 257-258
stacking with &STACK control
statement 221-223
channel address word CAW (channel
address word» channel status word (see CSW (channel
status word» CHAR, reslllt of &DATATYPE built-in function
298 character altering with ALTER subcommand 218
with CHANGE subcommand 221-223
with COPYFIIE command 43
data deter min ing if token contains 298
displaying with LINEDIT macro
determining how many in token 298 for blip string displaying 147-148
settinq 166
overlaying, with OVERLAY subcommand 239
sets, used in CMS 4
special, changing on 3270 221-223
assigning to variable symbols 278-279.
changing 221-223
copying 42
extracting in EXEC procedure 299
locating 237
valid in CMS command lines 4 CLEAR option
of DLBL command 61
of FILEDEF command 90 of INCLUDE command 106 of INCLUDE command of INCLUDE command of LABELDEF command of LABELDEF command (2148=!Ell of LOAD command 120 of SYNONYM command 184 CLB operand CMS of HNDEXT macro 315
of HNDINT macro 316-317
of HNDSVC macro 317-318 106.3 106.3 110 110 operand of &:ONTROL control statement
option of DLBL command 61
subcommand, description 224 CMS (Conversational Monitor System) 1
accessing with no virtual disks attached
to virtual machine 16
basic description of 1-2
batch facility (§ee-CMS batch facility) command language, basic description 1-2
commands commands)
editor 2
files file)
loader (§gg loader)
macros (§gg CMS macro instructions)
subset (§gg CMS subset) CMS batch facility 32
halting 213 CMS commands ACCESS i 6-i 9 AMSEBV 20-22 ASSEMBLE 23-28 ASSGN 29-31 CMSBATCH 32 COMPARE 33 CO P Y FI L E 35-44 CP 45 DDB 46-56 DEBUG 57 DISK 58
displaying during EXEC processing
DL BL 60-71 DOSLIB 72-73 DOSLKED 74-76 DS EBV 77-78
EDIT 79-80 entering 2
entering by synonym 184
Index 355
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