WAITT, WRTAPE Macros WAITT Use the macro instruction to cause the program to wait until all
of the pending terminal IIO is complete. The format of the WAITT macro
instruction is: r , , (label] , WAITT, , L __________________________________________________ . _______ -J label is an optional statement label.
The macro instruction synchronizes input and output to the
terminal; it ensures that the console stack is cleared before the
program continues execution. Also, you can ensure that a read or write
operation is finished before you modify an 110 buffer.
WRTAPE Use the WR!APE macro instruction to write a record on the specified tape
drive. The format of the WRTAPE macro instruction is: r , (la bel] I L
device WRTAPE buffer,length (,device] (,KODE=mode] ( , ERROR=erradd r] ___________________ -J is an optional statement label.
specifies the address of the record to be written. It may be:
the symbolic address of the line.
a register containing the address of the time.
specifies the length of the line to be written. It may be
specified in either of two ways:
n (reg) a self-defining term indicating the length.
a register containing the length.
specifies the device to which the record is to be written. If
omitted, TAPl (virtual address 181) is assumed. It may be: TAPn cuu
indicates the symbolic tape number (TAPl through TAP4). indicates the virtual device address. MODE=mode specifies the number of tracks, density, and tape recording
technique. It must be in the following form:
([ track ],r density ],[trtch]) 340 VM/370 eMS Command and Macro Reference
track 7 indicates a 7-track tape (implies density=800 and trtch=O) 9 indicates a 9-track tape (implies density=800). density 200, 556, or 800 for a 7-track tape 800, 1600, or 6250 for a 9-track tape.
trtch indica tes the
7-track tape.
tape recording technique One of the following must
a -odd parity, converter off, translator off.
oe -odd parity, converter on, translator off.
aT -odd parity, converter off, translator on.
E -even parity, converter off, translator off.
ET -even parity, converter off, translator on.
specifies the address of an error routine to be given control
if an error is found. If ERROR= is not coded and an error
occurs, control returns to the next sequential instruction in
the calling program, as it does if no error occurs. You nee1 not specify the MODE option when you are writing to a 9-track
tape to use the default density, nor when you are writing to a
7-track tape with a density of 800 bpi, odd parity, with data converter
and translator off.
If an error occurs, reqister 15 contains one of the following error
codes: 1 Invalid function or parameter
2 End of file or end of tape
3 permanent 1/0 error
4 Invalid device identification
5 Tape not attached
6 Tape is file-protected
WRTERM Use the WRTERM macro instruction to display a line at the terminal. The
format the WRTEFM macro instruction is: .-- I [label1 I WRTERM I line [,1 ength] [, EDIT=code ] [, eOLOR=color] L-- label is an optional statement label.
Section 6. eMS Macro Instructions 341
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