UPDATE r---------, I fn ASSEMBLE r---------,
fn UPDATE $fn ASSEMBLE fn UPDLOG L---------J
update fn frr is the source input file.
fn UPDATE UPDATE control statements and updated source input record'S-:- ifn is the updated source file, incorporating changes,
additions, and deletions specified in the update file. The output
filetvpe is always the same as the filetype of the input file. These
default filetypes and filemodes can be overridden on the command line;
for example:
update testprog cobol b fix cobol b (rep
results in a source file TESTPROG COBOL B being updated with control
statements contained in the file FIX COBOL B. The output file replaces
the existing TESTPROG COBOL B. fg contains a record of updates applied. If you do not want this
file written on disk, specify the PRINT option.
fn ASSEMBLE fn CNTRL fn UPDTABC fn UPDTXYZ update fn (ctl
r---------, I , , I I L---------.l trr is the source input file.
$fn ASSEMBLE fn UPDLOG fn UPDATES fg is the control file that lists updates to be applied to the
source file. These default filetypes and filemodes can be overridden on
the command line; for example:
update acct pliopt a test cntrl a (ctl
results the file TEST CNTRL being used by the UPDATE command to
locate the update files for ACCT PLIOPT. Section 2. CMS Commands 201
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