CMSBATCH CMSBATCH system operator uses the CMSBATCH command to invoke the CMS batch
facility. Instead of compiling or executing a program interactively,
virtual machine users can transfer jobs to the virtual card reader of an
active CMS batch virtual machine and thus free up their terminals for
other work. The format of the CMSBATCH command is:
r------ , CMSBATCH L- [sysname]
------, , sysname is the eight-character identification of the saved system that
is specifically generated for CMS batch operations via the CP SAVESYS command and the NAMESYS macro. Refer to the Qyidg for details on SAVESYS and NAMESYS use. NQtg: If sysname is not supplied on the command line, then the
system that the system operator is currently logged onto
becomes the CMS batch virtual machine.
1. The CMSBATCH command may be invoked immediately after an IPL of the CMS system. Alternatively, BATCH may be specified following the PARM operand on the IPL command line.
2. You should not issue the CMSBATCH command if you use a virtual disk
at address 195; the CMS batch virtual machine erases all files on
the disk at address 195.
3. For a description of how to send jobs to
machine, see the setting up a batch virtual machine, see the CMS batch virtual
For an explanation of
the 4. The CMS batch virtual machine can be utilized by personnel who do
not have access to a terminal or a virtual machine. This is
accomplished by submitting jobs via the real card reader. For
details on this, see the 5. If the command encounters recursive abends, the message system ABEND" appears on the system operator's console. DMSBTB100E NO BATCH PROCESSOR AVAILABLE RC=40 DMSBTB101E BATCH NOT LOADED RC= 88 DMSBTP105E NO JOB CARD PROVIDED RC=None DMSBTP106E JOB CARD FORMAT INVALID RC=None DMSBTP107E CP/CMS COMMAND 'command, (device)' NOT ALLOWED RC=88 DMSBTP108E ISET CARD FORMAT INVALID RC=None DMSBTP109E {CPUIPRINTERIPUNCH} LIMIT EXCEEDED RC=None
32 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
COMPARE COMPARE Use the command to compare two CMS disk files of fixed-or
variable-length format on a record-for-record basis and to display
dissimilar records at the terminal. The format of the command
is: r-----T I 1 r , I COMpare I fileidl fileid2 [ (COL mm[ -] Inn '[ ) ]] I I 1 I I , I L .J
fileid is the file identifier of a file
identifiers (filename, filetype,
specified for each fileid.
to be compared.
and filemode)
All three
must be (COL mm-nn)
defines specific columns to be compared. The comparison
begins at position mm of each record. The comparison proceeds
up to and including column nne The hyphen (-) may be used in
place of a blank if the total number of characters required
for mm-nn is not more than eight (maximum parameter field
size). If column nn is specified, the hyphen may not follow
or precede a blank. If column nn is not specified, the
default ending position is the last character of each record
(the logical record length).
,. To find out whether two files are identical, enter both file
identifications, as follows:
compare testl assemble a test' assemble b Any records that do not match are displayed at the terminal.
2. To stop the display of dissimilar records, use the eMS Immediate
command HT.
3. If a file does not exist on a specified disk, that disk's read-only
extensions are also searched. The complete fileids of the files
being compared are displayed in message DMSCMP179I. DMSCMP119I COMPARING 'fn ft fm' WITH 'fn ft fm'
This message identifies the files being compared. If the files are
the same (in the columns indicated), this message is followed by
the CMS ready message. If any records do not match, the records
are displayed. When all dissimilar records have been displayed the
message DMSCMP209W is issued.
Section 2. CMS Commands 33
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