AM SERV AMSERV Use the AMSERV command to invoke access method services to: Define VSAM catalogs, data spaces, or clusters Alter, list, copy, delete, export or import catalogs and data
The format of the AMSEFV command is: r I r , I AMserv fnl Ifn21 ( (options ••• [) ]] I I I I I I , L- Ifn!' L J Q.Qtion§: (PRINT] r ITAPIN , L
18n }' T1\Pn , .J r , TAPJUT , L
18n }' TAPn , J
____ -1 fnl specifies the filename of a CMS file with a filetype of AMSERV that
contains the access method services control statements to be
executed. eMS searches all of your accessed disks, using the
standard search order, to locate the file.
fn2 specifies the filename of the CMS file that is to contain the
access method services listing; the filetype is always LISTING. If
fn2 is not specified, the LISTING file will have the same name as
the 1\MSERV input file (fnl).
The LISTING file is written to the first read/write disk in the
standard search order, usually your A-disk. If a LISTING file with
the same name already exists, it is replaced. PRINT TAPIri T1\POUT spools the output listing to the virtual printer, instead of
writing it to disk. If PRINT is specified, fn2 cannot be
specified. specifies that tape input is on the tape drive at the address
indicated by 18n or TAPn. n may be 1, 2, 3, or 4, indicating
virtual addresses 181 through 184, respectively. specifies that tape output should be written to the tape drive
at the address indicated by 18n or TAPn. n may be 1, 2, 3, or 4, indicating virtual addresses 181 through 184, respectively. If both and TAPOUT are specified, their virtual device
addresses must be different. 20 eMS Command and Macro Reference
AMSERV 1. To create a job stream for access method services, you can use the CMS Editor to create a file with the filetype of AMSERV. The
editor automatically sets input margins at columns 2 and 12.
2. Refer to the Access Services User's Guide-for a
description of access method serV1ces controI-statements-format and
syntax. Restrictions placed on VSAM usage in eMS are listed in this
publication in "Appendix B: DOS/VS Access Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported in CMS" and "Appendix C: 0S/VS Access
Method Services and VSAM Functions Not Supported in CMS." 3. You must use the DLBL command to identify the master catalog and
all disk input and output files for access method services; the
ddname operand of the DLBL command corresponds to the dname
parameter following a FILE, INFILE, or OUTFILE keyword in an access
method services statement.
4. When you use tape input and/or output with the AMSERV command, you
are prompted to enter the ddnames; a maximum of 16 ddnames are allowed for either input and output. The ddnames can each have a maKimum of seven characters and must be separated by blanks.
5. Since only one tape can be attached at a time for either input or
output while using if you you enter more than one tape
ddname, the tape files must be in the sequence they are used in the
input stream. A CMS format variable file cannot be used directly as input to AMSERV functions as a variable (V) or variable blocked (VB) file
because the standard variable eMS record does not contain the BL and RL headers needed by the variable record modules. If these
headers are not included in the record, errors will result.
6. If you are using Release 34 of access method services, the "NJLABEL" keyword is available in the environment section of access
method services control statements. This keyword is necessary when
using AMSERV to read nonlabelled tapes. Tapes created using AMSERV default to nonlabelled tapes.
7. All files placed on the eMS disk by AMSERV will show a RECFM of V, even if the true format is fixed (F), fixed blocked (FB), undefined (Ui, variable or variable blocked. The programmer must know the
true format of the file he is trying to use with the AMSERV command and access it properly, or errors will result.
If you issue HX command abnormally
correctly reset.
(IPL) CMS. to terminate an AMSERV command or the AMSERV terminates, the AMSERV environment may not be
If a subsequent AMSERV abends, you must reload
1. You must assign a logical unit to be associated with each ddname
named in a DLBL command when you use the AMSERV co.mand in the eMS/DOS environment.
2. AMSERV internally issues an ASSGN command for SYSIPT and locates
the source file; therefore, you do not need to assign it. If you
use the or TAPOUT options, AMSERV also issues ASSGN commands
for the tape drives (assigning logical units SYS004 and SYS005). Section 2. CMS Commands 21
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