DOS/VSE procedure
copying procedures from 142
copying procedures from 142
displaying directories of 77
displaying directories of (5748-X]1) 77
displaying procedures from 142
displaying procedures from (5748-XE1) 142
printing procedures from 142
printing procedures from 142
punchinq procedures from 142
punching procedures from (5748-X]2) 142 DOS/VSE relocatable
assigning SYSRLB 162
assigning SYSRLB 162
copying modules from 162
copyinq modules from 162
defining IJSYSRL 63
defining IJSYSRL 63
displaying modules from 162
displaying modules from 162
link-editing modules from 74-76
link-editing modules from (5748-X]1) 74-76
printing modules from 162
printing modules from 162
punching modules from (5748-XX8) 162
punching modules from 162 DOS/VSE source statement
assigning SYSSLB 173
assigning SYSSLB 173
copyinq books 173
copying books (5748=XE1) 173
copying macros from 83
copyinq macros from (5748-XE1) 83
defining IJSYSSL 63
defining IJSYSSL 63
displaying books 173
displaying books 173
printing books 173
printing books 173
punching books 173
punching books (2148=111) 173 OS, macro libraries (2ee macro
libraries, OS) punching member files in 144 LIBRARY loader control statement 124-125
option of CMS QUERY command 152 LIFO operand
of &BEGSTACK control statement 282
of &STACK control statement 294
LIMCT option of FILEDEF command 91
duplicating, in CMS file 260 image, of record 233-234
locating by beginning character string
of CMS editor 79-80 of 3270 230-231 moving, within CMS file 261
number, of EXEC statement, testing 302 printing
with LINEDIT macro 327
with PRINTL macro 330-331 punching
in EXEC procedure 281,291
punching with PUNCHC macro 331-332
reading from console stack 250-251 LINE operand of FORMAT subcommand 230-231 LINECOUN option
of ASSEMBLE command 24
of PRINT command 140 LINEDIT macro BUFFA operand 328 COMP operand 322
description 319-329 DISP operand 327 DOT operand 321-322 MAXSUBS operand 329
MF operand 328-329
RENT operand 329 SUB operand 322-323
substitution list, specifying 322-323 TEXT operand 321 TEXTA operand 321 LINEMODE subcommand
description 235-236
LEFT operand 235 OFF operand 236
RIGHT operand 235
line-number editing
displaying line numbers 236
inserting single line 259
left-handed 235
reserializing records in file 248-249
right-handed 235
setting prompting increment for 240 LINK command, accessing disks after 17
linkage editor control statements DOS/VS supported in CMS/DOS 75-76 DOS/VSE supported in CMS/DOS 75-76 DOS/VSE supported in CMS/DOS 75-76 OS read by TXTLIB command 197
reguired format for TXTLIB command
in CMS/DOS 74-76
modules from DOS/VS relocatable
libraries 74-75
modules from DOS/VSE relocatable
libraries 74-75 370 IBM VM/370 Command and Macro Reference
modules from DOS/VSE relocatable
libraries (274§-XE1) 74-75 TEXT files in storage 120 TXTLIB members 197
list form of LINEDIT macro 328-329 LIST option
of ASSEMBLE command 24
of OPTION command 138 LISTDS command
description 110 description (5748-X1JD 110.4 description 110.4 examples 111 EXTENT option 110 EXTENT option (2148=11§) 110.4 EXTENT option 110.4 FORMAT option 111
FREE option 110 FREE option 110.4 FREE option 110.4 PDS option 111
LISTFILE command
ALLoe option 115 APPEND option 115
DATE option 115
description 114
description (21!!8-XX.§J 114.1
description 114.1
examples 115 EXEC option 114.1 FMODE option 115
FNAME option 115 FORMAT option 115 FTYPE option 115
HEADER option 114
HEADER option (2748-X1§) 114.1 HEADER option (5748-XE1) 114.1
LABEL option 115
NOHEADER option 114.1
NOHEADER option 114.1
NOHEADER option (2148-X]1) 114.1 LISTING filetype
created by access method services 20 created by ASSEMBLE command 24
controllinq 24
created by ESERV proqram 83
default editor settings 345
printing 139 LISTIO command
A option 118
ALL option 118 APPEND option 118
descr ipt ion 118 EXEC option 118 PROG option 118 STAT option 118 SYS option 118 SYSxxx option 118 U A option 118 LISTX option
of OPTION command 138
of OPTION command (2148-X1§) 138
of OPTION command 138
literal values, usinq in EXEC procedure
299 LOAD command AUTO option 121
called to load files dynamically 304 CLEAR option 120 description 120 DUP option 121,122
duplicate CSECTs 122
effect on loader tables 167
executing program using 121
identify TXTLIBs to be searched 104 INV option 121 MAP option 121 NOAUTO option 121 NOCLEAR option 120 NODUP option 121 NOINV option 121 NOLIBE option 121 NOMAP option 121 NOREP option 121 NOTYPE option 121 ORIGIN option 120 REP option 121 RESET option 120 START option 121 TYPE option 121
used with GENMOD command 102 option
of DISK command 58
of TAPE command 188
load map
creating 122
with INCLUDE command 107 with LOAD command 121
displaying 121
generated by GENMOD command 101 invalid card images in 122
of MODULE file, displaying 133
replace card image in 107 load point, specifying 107,120 loader CMS 122
control statements ENTRY statement 124
include control section (ICS) statement 125 LIBRARY statement 124-125
loader terminate (LDT) statement
replace (REP) statement 126-127
set location counter (SLC) statement
set page boundary (SPB) statement
search order, for unresolved references
defining storage for 167
displayinq number of 148
loader terminate (LDT), loader control
statement 124-125 LOADMOD command
called to load files dynamically 304.1 CMS/DOS considerations 129
description 129
Index 371
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