QUERY DOSPART DOSLIB = {libname ••• } NONE displays the current setting of the virtual partition size. {nnnnnK} NONE nnnnnK indicates the size of the virtual partition to be used
at program execution time. NONE indicates that CMS determines the virtual partition
size at program execution time. DOSLNCNr displays the number of SYSLST lines per page. OPTION UPSI DOSLNCNT = nn
nn is an integer from 30 to 99.
displays the compiler options that are currently in effect. OPTION = options ••• displays the current setting of the UPSI byte. The eight
individual bits are displayed as zeros or ones depending upon
whether the corresponding bit is on or off. UPSI = nnnnnnnn
1. Yoa can specify only one QUERY command function at a time. If the
implied CP function is in effect and you enter an invalid QUERY command function, you may receive the message DMKCQG045E. 2. If an invalid QUERY command function is specified from an EXEC and
the implied CP function is in effect, then the return code is -0003. 3. The DOSPART, OPTION, and UPSI functions are valid only if the CMS/DOS environment is active. DMSQRY005E NO 'option' SPECIFIED RC=24 DMSQRY014E INVALID 'function' RC=24 DMSQRY026E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' FOR 'function' FUNCTION RC=24 DMSQRY047E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED RC=24 DMSQRY070E INVALID PARAMETER 'parameter' RC=24 DMSQRY099E eMS/DOS ENVIRONMENT NOT ACTIVE RC=40 i54 IBn VMi370 eMS Command and Macro Reference
READCARD Use the READCARD command to read data records from your rea1er to create eMS disk files containing the data
format of the READCARD command is:
virtual card
records. The
r -, , READcard
\ r , , I fn ft I fm , I I I ! , I I L J I 1 r r " , I ( . , * , fm II , - , I I ! , I , I L L JJ , L -J fn is the filename you want to assign to the file being read.
* [*]
is the filetype you want to assign to the file being read.
indicates that file identifiers are to be assigned according
to READ control cards in the input deck.
is the filemode of the disk onto which the file is to be read.
If this field is omitted or specified as an asterisk (*), the
A-disk is assumed. Whenever a mode number is specified on the
command line, it is used; otherwise, the mode number on the
READ control card is used to create the disk file.
1. Data records read by the READCARD command must be fixed-length
records, and may be a minimum of 80 and a maximum of 151 characters
2. disk file identifiers are assigned according to READ control
cards in the input deck (the PUNCH command header card is a valid
READ control card). When you enter the command:
readcard * reads the first spool reader file in the queue and if there are
READ control cards in the input stream, it names the files as
indicated on the control cards.
If the first card in the deck is not a READ control card, CMS writes a file named READCARD CMSUT1 A1 to contain the data, until a
READ control. card is encountered or until the end-of-file is
reached. 3. If you s?ecify a filename and filetype on the READCARD command, for
readcard recent memo CMS does not check the input stream for READ control cards, but rea1s the entire spool file onto disk and it the specified
filename and filetype.
Section 2. :ommands 155
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