EXEC Control Statements-&CONTROL &CONTROL Use the &CONTROL control statement to specify the amount of data to be
displayed in the execution summary of an EXEC. The format of the &CONTROL control statement is: .-- , r , r , r , I &CONrROL , lOFF , IERRORI , IALL , I11SG , ,NOMSG I L ..J r , ITIME , I INOPACKI L J , I I '----- OFF ERROR L J
L .J
suppresses the display of commands and EXEC statements as they execute and of any return codes
result from CMS commands. 11 control
that may
displays only those CMS commands that result in an error and
also displays the error message and the return code. displays each CMS command as it is executed and all nonzero
return codes.
ALL NOMSG 'rIME NO PACK displays CMS commands and EXEC executable statements as they
execute as well as any nonzero return codes from CMS commands.
does not suppress the "FILE NOT FOUND" message if it is issued
by the following commands when they are invoked from an EXEC procedure: ERASE, LISTFILE, RENAME, or STATE. suppresses the "FILE NOT FOUND" message if it is issued when
the ERASE, LISTFILE, RENAME, or STATE commands are invoked
from an procedure.
includes the time-of-day value with each CMS command printed
in the execution summary; for example:
14:36:30 TYPE A B
This operand is effective only if CMS or ALL is also
does not include the time-of-day value with CMS commands
printed in the execution summary.
packs the lines of the execution summary so that surplus
blanks are removed from the displayed lines.
does not pack the lines of the execution summary.
1. The execution summary may consist of CMS commands, responses, error
messages, and return codes, as well as EXEC control statements and
assignment statements. When EXEC statements are displayed, they
are displayed in their scanned format, with all variable symbols
substituted. IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
EXEC Control Statements-&CONTROL, &EMSG' 2. Each operand remains set until explicitly reset by another &CONTROL statement that specifies a conflicting operand. When &CONTROL is
used with no operands, all operands are reset to thetr default
3. There is no global setting for &CONTROL. When an EXEC is nested within another EXEC, the execution summary is controlled by the
nested EXEC's &CONTROL setting. When control returns to the outer EXEC, the original &CONTROL setting is restored. &EMSG Use the control statement to display a line of tokens to be edited
as a VM/370 error message. The format of the &EMSG control statement is:
r---- , &EM SG I mmmnnns (tok 1 ••• (tokn]] L. mmmnnn is a six-character identification you may supply for the error
message. Standard VM/370 messages are coded using a
three-character module code (mmm) and a three-character
message number (nnn).
s indicates the severity code. The following codes qualify the
message for error message editing: £Qde I
E W R Informa tion
Error Warning Response
tokl ••• [tokn]
is the text of the message to be displayed.
1. When the severity code is I, E, or w, the message is displayed in
accordance with the CP EMSG setting (ON, OFF, CODE, or TEXT). You can change the setting with the CP SET command, described in £f £Qmmsng for 2. When an &EMSG code is displayed, it is prefixed with DMS. For
example, the statement: &EMSG ERROR1E INVALID ARGUMENT displays as follows when the EMSG setting is ON: DMSERROR1E INVALID ARGUMENT 3. To display an error message with unsubstituted data, or to display
a line with words of more than eight characters, use the &BEGEMSG control statement. Section 5. EXEC control Statements 285
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