SVCTRACE where h represents the contents of a general register in hexadecimal
format and g represents the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a
general register. The contents of general registers 0 through 7 are
printed on the first line, with the contents of registers 8 through F on
the second line. hexadecimal contents of the registers are printed
first, followed by the EBCDIC translation. The EBCDIC translation is
preceded and followed by an asterisk(*).
The next line of output is the contents of general registers 0, 1,
and 15 when control is returned to your program. The output is
identified at the left by ".GPRS AFTER :". The format of the output is: .GPRS AFTER: RO-Rl = h h *dd* R15 = h *d*
where h represents the hexadecimal contents of a general register and g is the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register. The
only general registers that CMS routines alter are registers 0, 1, and
15 so only those registers are printed when control returns to your
program. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk
(*) The next two lines of output are the contents of the general registers when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. This
output is identified at the left by ".GPRSS." The format of the output
is: .GPRSS h h h h h h h h *dddddddd*
h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* where h represents the hexadecimal contents of a general register and represents the EBCDIC translation of the contents of a general register.
General registers 0 through 7 are printed on the first line with
registers 8 through F on the second line. The EBCDIC translation is
preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The next line of output is the contents of the
floating-point registers. The output is identified ".FPRS". The format of the output is: .FPRS = f f f f *gggg*
calling routine's
at the left by
where represents the hexadecimal contents of a floating-point register
and g is the EBCDIC translation of a floating-point register. Each
floating point register is a doubleword; each f and g represents a
doubleword of data. The EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by
an asterisk (*).
The next line of output is the contents of floating-point registers
when the SVC handling routine is finished processing. The output-is
identified by ".FPRSS" at the left. The format of the output is: .FPRSS = f f f f *gggg*
where represents the hexadecimal contents of a floating-point register
and g is the EBCDIC translation. Each floating-point register is a
doubleword and each f and g represents a doubleword of data. The EBCDIC
translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). The last two lines of output are printed only if the address in
register 1 is a valid address for the virtual machine. If printed, the
output is the parameter list passed to the SVC. The output is
identified by ".PARM" at the left. The output format is: .PARM h h h h h h h h *dddddddd*
h h h h h h h h *dddddddd* Section 2. CMS Commands 181
SVCTRACE where h represents a word of hexadecimal data and is the EBCDIC
translation. The parameter list is found at the address contained in register 1 before control is passed to the SVC handling program. The
EBCDIC translation is preceded and followed by an asterisk (*). Figure 19 summarizes the types of SVC trace output .-- , Identification I l {:} HID , I .GPRSB , , , .GPRS AFTER , , , .GPRSS , , I .FPRS I , , , . FPR SS , , , .PARM Comments
!The SVC and the routine that issued the SVC. , I , IContents of general registers when control is passed , to the SVC handling routine. I ,Contents of general registers 0, 1, and 15 when I control is returned to your program. I ,Contents of the general registers when the SVC , handling routine is finished processing. , ,contents of floating-point registers before the , SVC-called program is given control and after , returning from that program. , ,Contents of the floating-point registers when the , SVC handling routine is finished processing. I 'The parameter list, when one is passed to the SVC. Figure lq. Summary of SVC Trace Output Lines DMSOVR014E INVALID FUNCTION function' RC=24 DMSOVR041E NO FUNCTION SPECIFIED RC=24 DMSOVR104S ERROR Inn' READING FILE 'DMSOVR MODULE' ON DISK RC=100 DMSOVR109S VIRTUAL STORAGE CAPACITY EXCEEDED RC=104 VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference ,
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