UPDATE UPDATE Use the UPDATE command to modify program source files. The UPDATE command accepts a source input file and one or more files containing UPDATE control statements and updated source records; then it creates an
updated source output file, an update log file indicating what changes,
if any, were made, and an update record file if more than a single
update file is applied to the input file. The format of the UPDATE command is: r- I I Update I I I , I , , I I I L- fn 1 ft 1 f m 1 fn2 ft2 fm2 REP r r " fnl Iftl Ifml [fn2 [ft2 [fm2]]]1 I [ (options ••• [) ]] I ASSEMBLE ------- IAl " L L .J.J r , r "1 r "1 r 11 2Eii2!l.§: IREP I I IINC I ICTL I INOREPI INOSEQ81 L .J L J L J L J r , r "1 r , r , ISTK I ITERM I I 12!SK I ISTOR I INOSTKI I NOTERM I IPRINTI L .J L .J L .J L .J
is the file identifier of the source input file. The file
must consist of 80-character card image records with sequence fields in positions 73 through 80 or 76 through 80. If the filetype or filemode are omitted, ASSEMBLE and Al are
assumed, respectively.
is the file identifier of the update file. If the NOCTL
option is in effect, this file must contain UPDATE control
statements and updated source records. The default file
identifier is fnl UPDATE Al. If the CTL option is
specified, this file must be a control file that lists the
update files to be applied; the default file identifier is
fn 1 CNTRL A 1 creates an output source file with the same filename as
the input source file. If the output file is placed on
the same disk as the input file, the input file is
retains the old file in its
different filename to the
dollar sign ($) plus the
input filename (fnl).
original form, and assigns a
new file, consisting of a
first seven characters of the
specifies that the entire sequence field (columns 73
through 80) contains an eight-digit sequence number on every record of source input.
Section 2. CMS Commands 201
UPDATE INC STK PRINT STOR specifies that columns 73-75 contain a three-character
label field, and that the sequence number is a five-digit
value in columns 76-80. !Q!g: Source files sequenced by the eMS editor are
sequenced, by default, with five-digit sequence numbers.
increments sequence numbers in columns 73 through 80 in
each record inserted into the updated output file,
according to specifications in UPDATE control statements.
puts asterisks (********) in the sequence number field of
each updated record inserted from the update file.
specifies that fn2, ft2, and fm2 describe an
control file for applying multiple update files
source input file. (See "The CTL option.") NQ!gl The CTL option implies the INC option.
to the
specifies that a single update file is to be applied to
the source input file.
stacks information from the control file in the C"S console stack. STK is valid only if the CTL option is
also specified and is useful only when the UPDATE command
is executed in an EXEC procedure.
does not stack control file information in the console
displays warning messages at the terminal whenever a
sequence or update control card error is discovered. (Such warning messages appear in the update log, whether
they are displayed at the terminal or not.)
suppresses the display of warning messages at the
terminal. However, error messages that terminate the
entire update procedure are displayed at the terminal.
places the update log file on disk. This file has a file
identifier "fn UPDLOG", where "fn" is the filename of the
file being updated.
prints the update log file directly on the virtual
specifies that the source input file is to be read into
storage and the updates performed in storage prior to
placing the updated source file on disk. This option is
meaningful only when used with the CTL option since the
benefit of increased processing speed is realized when
processing multiple updates. STaR is the default when
CTL is specified.
specifies that no updating is to take place in storage. NOSTOR is the default when single updates are being
applied (CTL is omitted from the command line). 202 eMS Command and Macro Reference
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