EDIT Subcommands-SAVE, SCROLL/SCROLLUP SAVE Use the SAVE subcommand to write the file that is currently being edited
onto the disk, without returning control to CMS, and optionally to
change the file identifier. The format of the SAVE subcommand is:
r I SAVE L- I [fn [ft [fm ]]]
1 I ____ .-.J fn indicates the filename of the file to be saved. If you specify
only fn, then the filetype and filemode are the same.
ft indicates the filetype of the file to be saved.
fm indicates the filemode of the file to be saved.
1. If you specify a new file identifier, any existing file with the
same file identifier is replaced; no message is issued. The file
being edited, if previously written to disk, is not altered.
2. To write a file on disk and terminate the editing session, use the
FILE subcommand.
3. If you want to save the contents of a file at regular intervals,
use the AUTOSAVE subcommand.
When verification is on, the editor displays:
to indicate the SAVE request completed successfully and you may continue
to enter EDIT subcommands. SCROLL/SCROLLUP (3270 Only) Use the SCROLL and SCBOLLUP subcommands to scan the contents of a file
on a display screen. SCROLL causes the editor to scan forward through the file; SCROLLUP causes the editor to scan backward through the file. The format of the SCROLL and SCROLLUP subcommands is: r- , , , r 1 I {SCrOll } I In , I S[ croll ]O[ p] 1 1* I 1 I 11 I 1 I L .J L- Section 3. EDIT Subcommands and Macros 247
EDIT Subcommands-SCROLL/SCROLLUP, SERIAL n is a number from 1 to 255 that specifies the number of successive
screens of data to be displayed. If an asterisk (*) is specified,
the entire file, from the current line to the end or of
the file, is displayed. If n is not specified, 1 is the default.
1. The SCROLLUP subcommand can be specified by any combination of the
truncation of SCROLL and UP; the minimum truncation is SUe 2. The number of lines shifted forward or backward depends on the
current verification setting. If the verification setting is 80 characters or less, then a scroll request displays a file in
increments equal to the number of lines that can be displayed in
the output display area of the screen. If the verification setting
is more than 80 characters, then a SCROLL request displays a file
in increments equal to half the number of lines that can be
displayed in the output area. a single SCROLL on a 3270 Kodel 2 display terminal is
the equivalent of DOWN 20 or DOWN 10, depending on the record
length, and SCROLLUP is the equivalent of UP 20 or UP 10. 3. When vou use the SCROLL or SCROLLUP subcommands to display more
than one screenful, each display is held for one minute, and the
screen status area indicates MORE •••• To hold the screen display
longer, press the Enter key. halt scrolling before all the requested screenfuls are
displayed, enter the HT Immediate command and press the Cancel key twice. U. When you begin scrolling from the top of the file, the first
screenful contains only the first seven lines. When you scroll to
the end of the file, the last screen may duplicate lines displayed
in the previous screen.
The screen displav is shifted forward or backward. SERIAL Use the SERIAL subcommand to control the serialization of records in
columns 73 through 80. The format of the SERIAL sub=ommand is:
r -, I SERial fFF ! I I r , I I ON lincrl , I ALL IlQ. I , I seq
L .J I L- -.:I 248 IBM VM/37Q eMS Command and Macro Reference
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