DEBUG Subcommands-SET SET Use the subcommand to change the contents of the control words and general registers. The format of the SET subcommand is:
r 1 , SET , CSW i
hexinfo [hexinfo] 1 , , PSW GPR L- CAW hexinfo
stores the specified information (hexinfo) in the CAW (channel
address word) that existed at the time the debug environment
was entered. CSW hexinfo [hexinfo]
stores the specified information (hexinfo (hexinfo]) in the CSW (channel status word) that existed at the time the debug
environment was entered. PSi hexinfo [hexinfo]
stores the specified information (hexinfo [hexinfo]) in the
old PSW (program status word) for the interruption that caused
the debug environment to be entered. GPR reg hexinfo [hexinfo]
stores the specified information [hexinfo]) in the
specified general register (reg).
1. The subcommand can only change the contents of one control word
at a time. For example, you must issue the SET subcommand three
set caw hexinfo
set csw hexinfo [hexinfo]
set psw hexinfo [hexinfo]
to change the contents of the three control words.
2. The SE7 subcommand can change the contents of one or two general
registers each time it is issued. When four or fewer bytes of
information are specified, only the contents of the specified
register are changed. When more than four bytes of information are
specified, the contents of the specified register and the next
sequential register are changed. For example, the SET subcommand:
set gpr 2 xxxxxxxx
changes only the contents of general register 2. But, the SET
set gpr 2 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
changes the contents of general registers 2 and 3.
Section 4. DEBUG Subcommands 273
DEBUG Subcommands-SET, STORE 3. Each hexinfo operand should be from one to four bytes long. If an
operand is less than four bytes and contains an uneven number of heKadecimal digits (representing half-byte information), the
information is right-justified and tne left half of the uneven byte
is set to zero. If more than eight hexadecimal digits are
specified in a single operand, the information is left-justified
and truncated on the right after the eighth digit.
4. The number of bytes that can be stored using the SET subcommand
varies depending on the form of the subcommand. With the CAW form,
up to four bytes of information may be stored. With the CSW, GPR,
and PSW forms, up to eight bytes of information may be stored, but
these bytes must be represented in two operands of four bytes each.
When two operands of information are specified, the information is
stored in consecutive locations (or registers), even if one or both
operands contain less than four bytes of information.
None. To display the contents of control words or registers after you
modify them, you must use the CAW, CSW, PSW, and GPR subcommands. STORE Use the STORE subcommand to store up
information in any valid virtual storage STORE subcommand is:
to 12 bytes of hexadecimal
location. The format of the r 1 , STore , {
hexinfo [hexinfo [hexinfo]] , , L
____ --I symbol is the name assigned (via the DEFINE
the storage address where the first byte
information is to be stored.
subcommand) to
of specified
is the hexadecimal location, relative to the current origin,
where the first byte of information is to be stored.
is the hexadecimal information, four bytes or less in length
(that is, two to eight hexadecimal digits), to be stored.
1. If an operand is less than four bytes long and contains an uneven
number of hexadecimal digits (representing half-byte information),
the information is right-justified and the left half of the uneven
byte is set to zero. If more than eight hexadecimal digits are
specified in a single operand, the information is left-justified
and truncated on the right after the eighth digit.
2. The STORE subcommand can store a maximum of 12 bytes at one time.
By specifying all three information operands, each containing four
bytes of information, the maximum 12 bytes can be stored. If less
than four bytes are specified in any or all of the operands, the
information given is arranged into a string of consecutive bytes,
and that string is stored starting at tne location derived from the
first operand. 274 VM/3 7 Q Command Rna Macro Reference
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