LINEDIT Macro Use the TEXT operand to specify the exact text of the message on the
macro instruction. The message text must appear within single quotation
marks, follows: TEXT=' message text'
If vou want a single quotation mark
text, you must code two of them.
Text specified on the LINEDIT macro
appear only a single blank, and a
line, for example:
to appear within the actual message
is edited so that multiple blanks
period is placed at the end of the LINEDI! TEXT='IT ISN"T READY' results in the display:
IT ISN'T READY. Use the TEX!A operand when you want to display a line that is contained
in a buffer. You may specify either a symbolic address or use register
notation; as follows: TEXTA={label} (reg)
In either case, the first byte at the address specified must contain the
length of the message text, for example:
DC X' 16 '
CL22'THIS IS A LINE OF TEXT' If you use register notation with either the standard or list forms of
the macro, the code generated is not reentrant. To suppress the MNOTE that informs you that code is not reentrant, use the RENT=NO operand. Use the DOT operand when you do not want a period placed at the end of
the message text. The format of the DOT operand is: NO For example, if you code: Section 6. CMS Macro Instructions 321
LINEDIT Macro LINEDI! TEXT='HI!',DOT=NO the line is displayed as:
HI! Use the COMP operand when you want to display multiple blanks within your message text. The format of the COMP operand is:
For example, if you code:
LINEDIT TEXT='TOTAL 5' ,COMP=NO the line is displayed as: TO!'AL 5. Use the SUB operand to specify the type of substitution to be performed
on those portions of the message that contain periods. For each set of
periods, you must specify the type of sUbstitution and the value to be
substituted or its address. The format of the snB operand is: r -, I SUB= (
( HEX {' (reg) }
) ) , , DEC ,expression 1 I 1 I HEXA{,addreSS} , , DECA , (reg) I I , I HEX4A f address } , I CHARA , (reg) , I CHAR8A , ({addreSS}, {length}) , t (reg) (reg) , L -3 Each of the possible sUbstitution pairs is described below, followed by
discussions of length specification and multiple substitution lists. HEX, (reg-) converts the value in the specified register to graphic hexadecimal
format and sUbstitutes it in the message text. If you code fewer
than eight consecutive periods in the message text, then leading diqits are truncated; leading zeros are not suppressed. For example, if register 3 contains the value C0031FC8, then the ma=ro instruction:
LINEDIT TEXT='VALUE = ••• ',SUB=(HEX,(3)} results in the display: VALfJE = FCB.
322 IB' VM/370 eMS Command and Macro Reference
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