Index The entries in this Index are accumulative. They list additions to this publication by
the following VM/370 System Control Program Products: VM/370 Basic System Extensions, program Number 5748-XX8 VM/370 System Extensions, Program Number 5748-XE1 However, the text within the publication is not accumulative; it only relates to the one SCP program product that is installed on your system. Therefore, there may be topics and
references listed in this Index that are not contained in the body of this publication.
./ * (comments) UPDATE control statement 206-208 ./ D (DELETE) UPDATE control statement 205 ./ I (INSERT) UPDATE control statement 204 ./ R (REPLACE) UPDATE control statement 205 ./ S (SEQUENCE) UPDATE control statement 203-204 .BX (BJX) format word 342.2,342.3 .BX (BOX) format word 342.2,342.3
.CM (COMMENT) format word 342.2,342.5 .CM (COMMENT) format word 342.2,342.5 .CS (CONDITIONAL SECTION) format word (.2148::!!§) 342.2,342.6 .CS SECTION) format word 342.2, 342. 6 .FO (FORMAT MODE) format word 342.2,342.7 .FO (FORMAT MODE) format word (5748-X£!1) 342.2,342.7
.IL (INDENT LINE) format word 342.2,342.8
.IL (INDENT LINE) format word (5748-X£!1) 342.2,342.8
.IN (INDENT) format word 342.2,342.9 .IN (INDENT) format word (5748-XE1) 342.2,342.9 .OF (OFFSET) format word 342.2,342.10 .OF (OFFSET) format word (.2148-XE1) 342.2,342.10 .SP (SPACE LINES) format word 342.2,342.11 .SP (SPACE LINES) format word 342.2,342.11 TR (TRANSLATE CHARACTER) format word (.2148::!!§) 342.2,342.12
.TR (TRANSLATE CHARACTER) format word (.2148::!£!1) 342.2,342.12 S$ special variable 300 in SIF control statement 289-290 settinq 280-281 S* special variable 300 in &IF control statement 289-290 setting 280-281 SARGS control statement, description 279-280 &BEGEMSG control statement
ALL operand 280-281 description 280-281 &BEGPUNCH control statement
ALL operand 281
description 281
&BEGSTACK control statement
ALL operand 282
description 282 FIFO operand 282 LIFO operand 282 &BEGTYPE control statement
ALL operand 282-283
description 282-283 &CONCAT built-in function, description 298 SCONTINUE control statement 283
used with SERROR control statement 286 &CONTROL control statement
ALL operand 284-285 CMS operand 284-285
description 284-285 ERROR operand 284-285 MSG operand 284-285 NOMSG operand 284-285 NOPACK operand 284-285 NOTIME operand 284-285 OFF operand 284-285 PACK operand 284-285
TIME operand 284-285 &DATATYPE built-in function, description
298 SDISK* special variable 301 &DISK? special variable 301 SDISKx special variable 301 SDOS special variable 301 SEMSG control statement, description 285 SEND control statement 286
with &BEGEMSG control statement 280-281
with &BEGPUNCH control statement 281
with &BEGSTA:K control statement 282
with &BEGTYPE control statement 282-283 SERROR control statement, description 286 &EXEC special variable 301 &EXIT control statement, description 287 SGLOBAL special variable 301 SGLOBALn special variable 302 Index 351
&GOTO control statement
description 288-289 TOP operand 288-289 &HEX control statement
description 288-289 OFF operand 288-289 ON opeLand 288-289
&IF control statement, description 289-290 &INDEX special variable 302 setting 280-281,291-292
&LENGTH blilt-in function, description 298 &LINENUM special variable 302 &LITERAL built-in function, description
299 &LOOP control statement, description 290-291 &n special variable 300 &PUNCH control statement, description 291
&READ statement ARGS operand 291-292
description 291-292 VARS operand 291-292
&READFLAG special variable 302 t es tin g 29 1-292 &RETCODE special variable 302 &SKIP control statement, description
292-293 &SPACE control statement, description 293 &STACK control statement
description 294 FIFO operand 294 LIFO operand 294
stacking CHANGE subcommand 221-223
stacking INPUT subcommand 234-235
stacking REPLACE subcommand 244 &SUBSTR blilt-in function, description 299
&TIME control statement
d escr ipt ion 295 OFF operand 295 ON opeLand 295 RESET operand 295 TYPE operand 295 &TYPE control statement, description 296 &TYPEFLAG special variable 302 o special variable 300 $DUP edit macLo 260 $LISTIO EXEC file
appending information to 118
creating 118
format 118-119 $MOVE edit macro 261 DOWN operand 261 TO oper and 261 UP operand 261
* (asterisk)
entered in fileid
in ACCESS command
218 in ALTER subcommand
in CHANGE subcommand 221-223
in COPYPILE command 35-44
examples 39
in DELETE subcommand 226
in DLBL command 60 in DSERV command 77
in EDIT command 79-80 in FILEDEF command 89
in GETFILE subcommand 232
in LISTDS command 110 in LISTDS command 110.4
in LISTDS command 110.4
in LISTFILE command 115
in PRINT command 139
in PUNCH command 144
in READCARD command 155
in RENAME command 160 in REPEAT subcommand 243
in SCROLL/SCROLLUP subcommand 247-248
in START command 175
in STATE and STATEW commands 177
in TAPPDS command 194
in TRUNC subcommand 252-253
in TYPE subcommand 253-254
in VERIFY subcommand 255
in ZONE subcommand 257-258
with DISK option, of CMS QUERY command
with RESET option
of INCLUDE command 106 of INCLUDE command (2148-!!!D 106.3 of INCLUDE command 106.3 of LOAD command 120 * (comment) command 3 *COPY statement 131 I (diagonalt, used in ACCESS command 16 %, used to pass null argument to EXEC procedure 300 ?
subcommand, description 258
used with DSN option of DLBL command 61
used with FILEDEF DISK option 95
(equal sign)
in COPYFILE command 35-44
examples 39
in RENAME command 160 subcommand (§gg REUSE subcommand)
A option of LISTIO command 118 ABBREV option
of CMS QUERY command 148-149
of CMS SET command 168
relationship to SYNONYM command 184-185 352 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
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