EDIT Subcommands-BACKWAPD, BOTTOM BACKWARD (Primarily 3270) Use the BACKWARD subcommand to move the current line pointer towards the
beginning of the file you are editing. The format of the BACKWARD subcommand is: r- , r , I In 1
1 III I L J L- ______________________ -J n is the number of records backward you wish to move the current line
pointer. If n is not specified, the current line pointer is moved
backward one line, toward the top of the file. The BACKwARD subcommand is equivalent to the UP subcommand; it is
provided for the convenience of 3270 users.
When is on, the current line on the screen contains the
record located by the BACKWARD n value. If n the number of
records above the current line, TOF is displayed on the current line. On a typewriter
verification is on. BOTTOM terminal the new current line is typed if Use the BOTTOM subcommand to make the last line of the file the new
current line. The format of the BOTTOM subcommand is: r I Bottom L- -, , Use the BOTTOM subcommand followed by the INPUT subcommand to begin
entering new lines at the end of a file.
When verification is on, the last line in the file is displayed.
If the BOTTOM subcommand is issued at a 3270 display terminal in display
mode, EJF: is displayed on the line following the current line, preceded
by the last records of the file; the rest of the screen's output area is
blank. 220 VM/37Q CMS Command and Macro Reference
EDIT Subcommands-CASE, CHANGE CASE Use the CASE subcommand to indicate how the editor is to process
uppercase and lowercase letters. The format of the CASE subcommand is:
r---- I I CASE I , L- , r , , ,M I I I U , , L .J
____ 11 M indicates that the editor is to accept any mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters for the file as they are entered at the terminal. U inaicates that the editor is to translate all lowercase letters to
uppercase letters before the letters are entered into the file. U is the default value for all filetypes except MEMO and SCRIPT. If you enter the CASE subcommand with no operand, the current setting is
displayed at the terminal.
If you specify CASE M when using a 3270 that does not have the lowercase
feature (RPQ), you can key in lowercase characters, but they appear on
the screen as uppercase characters.
CHANGE Use the CHANGE subcommand to change a specified group of characters to
another group of characters of the same or a different length. You may
use the CHANGE subcommand to change more than one line at a time. The
format of the CHANGE subcommand is: r- , , Change , , I L--- r r " [/stringl[/string2[/IniGI t]]] 1*1 *11 III 'I L L .J.J
___________________________________________________ -J I (diagonal) signifies any unique delimiting character that does not
appear in the character strings involved in tne change.
specifies a group of characters to be changed (old data).
stringl may be a null string.
specifies the group of characters that are to replace
string 1 (new da tal. string 2 may be a n nIl string; if
omitted, it is assumed null. Section 3. EDIT Subcommands and Macros 221
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