EDIT Subcommands-IMAGE, INPUT 2. When the image setting is on, backspaces are handled as follows: Backspace characters act in a similar manner to the logical
character delete symbol, in deleting the previous characters if
a sufficient number of other characters or blanks follow the
backspace characters. However, backspace characters that
immediately follow a command name are interpreted as separator
characters and do not delete any part of the command name. If a backspace character is the last character in the input
line, it is ignored. When you issue the IMAGE subcommand with no operand, the current IMAGE setting is displayed. INPUT Use the INPUT subcommand to insert a single line into a file, or, if no
data line is specified, to leave edit mode and enter input mode. The
format of the INPUT subcommand is: r -, I Input L- 1 [line] , line specifies the input line to be entered into the file.
contain blanks and tabs; if you enter at least two
following the INPUT subcommand and no additional text,
line is inserted into the file.
It can
a blank
1. Each line that is inserted into the file becomes the new current
2. When you are using line-number editing (LINEKODE LEFT or LINEMODE
RIGHT) you cannot use the INPUT subcommand to insert a single line
of data; use the nnnnn subcommand.
3. To stack an INPUT subcommand in order to enter input mode from a
fixed-length you should use the SSTACK control statement. When you issue the INPUT subcommand without operands, and verification
is on, the editor displays: INPUT: All subsequent lines you entered are written into the file, until you
enter a null line to return to edit mode.
234 VM/370 eMS Command and Macro Reference
1 EDIT Subcommands-INPUT, When you insert lines while using display mode, the editor writes each
The old current line and all records
except for the topmost record formerly
from the screen.
a local display terminal in
record on the current line.
above move up one line,
on line 2, which is deleted
2. If vou are using a remote display terminal in display mode and you
issue the INPUT subcommand with no text, the terminal is forced
into line mode. The display of the file on the screen disappears
and the word INPUT: appears. !s you enter input lines, they appear
in the output display area. When you leave input mode by entering
a null line, the remote terminal returns to display mode. The
display of the file reappears on the screen, with the lines you have ;ust entered in their proper place in the file.
3. When vou are entering data in input mode at a display terminal that
is in line mode, a tab character generated by a program function
(PF) key only generates one character, and appears as one character
on the screen. That is, the line does not appear according
to the tab settings.
liNEMODE Use the LINEMODE subcommand to set, cancel, or display the status of
line-number editing. When you use line-number editing, you can input,
locate, and replace lines by referencing their record numbers.
Line-number editing is the default for VSB!SIC and FREEFJRT files. The
format of the LINEMODE subcommand is: r -, , , r , I I LINEmode I ,LEFT , , , I I L- LEF'! L
1 I RIGHT I I I , OFF , 1 I L .I , initializes line-number editing and places sequence numbers the left, in columns 1 through 5, right-justified and padded with blanks; the near zone is set to 7. If the filetype is FREEFORT, columns 1 through 8 are used for serial numbers; the
near zone is set to 9.
You should never use left-handed line-number editing for files in data must occupy columns 1 through 6, for example ASSEMBLE files. RIGHT initializes line-number editing and places sequence numbers
R on the right, in columns 76 to 80, right-justified and padded
with zeroes. The end zone and truncation columns are set to 12. operand is valid only RO-character records.
for files with fixed-length
Section 3. EDIT Subcommands and Macros 235
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