1. When the macro completes, register 0 contains the number of bytes
2. You need not specify the Mode option when you are reading from a
Q-track tape and using the default density of the tape drive nor
when you are reading from a 7-track tape a density of 800 bpi,
odd parity, with the data converter and translator off.
If an error occurs, register 15 contains one of the following error
Code --,- 2
5 A Invalid function or parameter list
End of file or end of tape Permanent I/O error
Invalid device address
Tape not attached
Incorrect length error
RDTERM Use the macro instruction to read a line from the terminal into
anI/O buffer. The format of the RDTERM macro instruction is: r------ , , I r , I I (label] I RDTERM buffer(,EDIT=code]( I , I NO " I I L .\I , L- _______ _
__ _______________________________________________ --J label
is an optional statement label.
specifies the address of a buffer into which the line is to be
read. The buffer is assumed to be 130 bytes long, unless EDIT=PHYS is specified. The address may be specified as:
the symbolic address of the buffer.
a register containing the address of the buffer.
EDIT=code specifies the type of editing, if any, to be performed on the
input line. NO indicates that a logical line is to be read and no
editing is to be done. PAD requests that the input line be padded with blanks
to the length specified. UPCASE requests that the line be translated to uppercase.
indicates both padding and translation to uppercase. YES is the default.
section 6. CMS Macro Instructions 335
BDTERM, REGEQU Macros PHYS indicates that a physical line is to be read. When PHYS is specified, the LENGTH and ATTREST=NO operands may also be entered. This option causes
the input line to be translated using the user
translation table.
the length of the buffer. If not specified, 130 is
The maximum length is 2030 bytes. The length may be
only if EDIT=PHYS (see Usage Note 2). It may be
in either of two forms:
a self-defining term indicating the length of the
a register containing the length of the buffer. ATTREST=YESI NO specifies whether an attention interruption during a read
should result in a restart of the read operation. (See Usage Note 2.)
1. When the macro completes, register 0 contains the number of
characters read.
2. You can use the ATTREST=NO and LENGTH operands only when you are
reading physical lines (EDIT=PHYS). When ATTREST=NO, an attention
interruption during a read operation signals the end of the line
and does not result in a restart of the read. These operands are
used primarily in writing VS APL programs.
When an error occurs, register 15 contains one of the following
error codes: Invalid parameter
Read was terminated by an attention signal (possible only when ATTREST=NO) REGEQU Use the REGEQU macro instruction to generate a list of EQU (equate)
statements to assign symbolic names for the general, floating-point, and
extended control registers. The format of the REGEQU macro instruction
r , REGEQU L. --I 336 IBM VM/370 eMS Command and Macro Reference
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