DOSLKED DOSLKED Use the DOSLKED command in CMS/DOS to link-edit
disks or object modules from DOS/VS private or
libraries and place them in executable form in a (DOSLIB). The format of the DOSLKED command is: TEXT files from eMS system relocatable phase library
r -----, , r , , , DOSLKED , fn ,libna me, ((options ••• [) ]] Ifn , , , , I I , I I , I L- fn
r , I , PRINT, , L J I , , , , , , , specifies the name of the source file or module to be
link-edited. CMS searches for:
1. A CMS file with a filetype of DOSLNK 2. A module in a private relocatable library (if IJSYSRL has
been defined)
3. A CMS file with a filetype of TEXT 4. A module in the system relocatable library (if a mode was specified on the SET DOS ON command line)
libname designates the name of the DOSLIB where the link-edited phase
is to be written. The filetype is DOSLIB. If libname is not
specified, the default is fn. The output filemode of the DOStIB is determined as follows: If libname DOSLIB exists on a read/write disk r that
filemode is used and the output is appended to it. If fn DOSLNK exists on a read/write disk, libname DOSLIB is
written to that disk. If fn DOSLNK exists on a read-only extension of a
read/write disk, libname DOStIB is written to the parent
disk. If none of the above apply, libname is written to
your A-disk. QQtiQn§: Only one of the following options should be specified. If
more than one is specified
r only the first entry is used. writes the DOS/VS linkage editor map produced by the DOSLKED command on your A-disk into a file with the filename of fn and
a filetype of MAP. This is the default option. spools the linkage editor map to the virtual printer.
74 Command and Macro Reference
DOSLKED TERM displays the linkage editor map at your terminal. !Qig: All error messages are sent to the terminal as well as to the
specified device.
1. You can create a CMS file with a filetype of DOSLNK to contain DOS/VS linkage editor control statements and, optionally, text files.
2. If you want to link-edit a module from a private relocatable vou must issue an ASSGN command for the loqical unit SYSRLB and enter a DLBL command usinq a ddname of IJSYSRL to
identify the library:
assgn sysrlb c
dlbl ijsvsrl c dsn reloc lib (sysrlb
If you have defined a private relocatable library but do not want
it to be searched, enter:
assgn sysrlb ign
to temporarily bypass .. 1. .... 3. CMS TEXT files may also contain linkaqe editor control statements INCLUDE, PHASE, and ENTRY. The ACTION statement is iqnored when a TEXT file is link-edited.
4. To access modules on the DOS/VS system residence volume, you must
have specified the mode letter of the system residence on the SET DOS ON command line:
set dos on z
5. The search order that CMS uses to locate object modules to be
link-edited is:
a. The specified object module on the DOS/VS private relocatable
library, if one is available
b. eMS disks for a file with the specified filename and with a
filetype of TEXT c. The specified object module on the DOS/VS system relocatable
library, if it is available
6. When a phase is added to an existinq DOSLIB, it is always written
at the end of the library. If a phase that is beinq added has the
same name as an existing phase, the DOSLIB directory is updated to
point to the new phase. The old phase is not deleted, however; you
should issue the DOSLIB command .ith the COBP option to compress
the space.
If you run out of space in a DOSLIB while you are executing the DOSLKED command, you should reissue the DOSLKED command specifying
a different DOSLIB, or compress the DOSLIB before attemptinq to
reissue the DOSLKED command. The CBS/DOS linkaqe editor recognizes
and supports the DOS/VS linkage editor control statements A:TION, PHASE, ENTRY, and INCLUDE. These control statements are described in The CMS/DOS linkaqe editor ignores: Section 2. CBS Coamands 75
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