LISTDS LISTDS Use the LISTDS command to list, at your terminal, information about the
data sets or files residing on accessed OS or DOS disks, or to display
extent or free space information when you want to allocate space for VSAM files. The format of the LISTDS command is: r- , , I LISTDS I I I L- ?
r , ,? I [(options ••• [) ]] Idsnamel QQ.tiQ!!§! [FORMAT] [PDS ]
1 ------' indicates that you want to enter the OS data set name, DOS file-id, or VSAM data space name interactively. When you
enter a question mark (?), CMS prompts you to enter the OS data set name, DOS file-id, or VSAM data space name exactly
as it appears on the disk. This form allows you to enter
names that contain embedded blanks or hyphens.
is the OS data set name or DOS file-id or VSAM data space
name and takes the form: quaIl (qual2 qualn]
where quaIl, qual2, through qualn are one-to eight-character
qualifiers normally separated by Each qualifier
must be separated from other qualifiers by blanks when you
enter them this way. (See Usage Note 1.)
fm is the filemode of the disk to be searched for the specified
file. If a dsname is not specified, a list of all the files
or data sets on the specified disk is displayed.
* indicates that you want all of your accessed DOS or OS disks
searched for the specified data set or file. If a dsname is
not specified, a list of all files on all accessed OS and DOS disks is displayed. QQtiQn§: The FREE and EXTENT options are mutually exclusive; the FORMAT and PDS options cannot be specified with either FREE or FREE EXTENT EX requests a display of all free space extents on
minidisk or on all accessed DOS and OS disks. If
the FREE option, you cannot specify a dsname.
a specific
you enter
requests a display of allocated extents for a single file
or for an entire disk or minidisk. If a is specified,
only the extents for that particular file or data set are
listed; if fm is specified as *, all disks are searched for
extents occupied by that file.
If a dsname is not specified, then a list of all currently
allocated extents on the specified disk, or on all disks, is
displayed. 110 VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
FORM!T FO LISTDS requests a display of the date, disk label, filemode, and
data set name for an as data set as well as RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE, and DSORG information. For a DOS file, LISTDS displays the date, disk label, filemode, and file-id, but
gives no information about the RECFM, LRECL, and BLKSIZE (two
blanks appear for each); DSORG is always PS. PDS displays the member names of referenced OS partitioned data
For examples of the displays produced as a result of each of these
options, see the "Responses" section, below.
1. If you want to enter an as or DOS file identification on the LISTDS command line, it must consist of one-to eight-character qualifiers
separated by periods. For example, the file TEST.INPUT.SOURCE.D could be listed as follows:
listds test input source d * Or, you can enter the name interactively, as follows:
listds ? * DMSLDS220R ENTER DATA SET NAME: test.input.source.d
Note that when the data set name is entered interactively, it must
be entered in its exact form; when entered on the LISTDS command
line, the periods must be omitted. You must use the interactive form to enter a DOS file-id that
contains embedded blanks or hyphens. You should use the FREE option to determine
available for allocation by VSAM when you are
services. For example:
listds * (free
what free space is
using access method
requests a display of unallocated extents on all accessed as or DOS disks. You can then use the EXTENT option on the DLBL command when
you define the file for AMSERV. 3. Full disk displays using the FREE option will display free
alternate tracks as well as free space extents.
4. Since CMS does not support ISAM files, LISTDS lists extent and free
information on files, but ignores format 2 DSCBs. 5. Since CMS does not support track overflow, LISTDS will not read
beyond a track if DCB=RECFM=T is specified for the OS VTOC. Section 2. CMS Commands 111
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