EDIT Subcommands-OVERLAY OVERLAY Use the OVERLAY subcommand to selectively replace one or more character
strings in the current line with the corresponding nonblank characters
in the iine being keyed in. The format of the OVERLAY subcommand is:
r---- I Overlay L- , [line]
line specifies an input line that replaces corresponaing character
positions in the current line. On a typewriter terminal, if you
enter the OVERLAY subcommand with no data line, input record
remains unchanged.
1. Blank characters in the input line indicate that the corresponding
characters in the current line are not to be overlaid. For
o L
Blanks in columns 3, 4, 5, and 6 of the OVERLAY line indicate that
columns 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the current line are not to be changed. (At least one blank must follow the OVERLAY subcommand, which can
be truncated as 0). 2. This subcommand may be entered at a typewriter terminal by typing
the letter "0", followed by a backspace, by the overlaying
characters. This sets up the correct alignment on the terminal.
3. An underscore in the overlaying line must be used to place a blank
into the corresponding position of the current line. Thus, an
underscore cannot be placed (or replaced) in a line.
4. OVERLAY should be used with care on lines containing underscored words or other compound characters.
To perform a global overlay
just prior to issuing the
you enter:
operation, issue the REPEAT subcommand OVERLAY subcommand. For example, when
repeat *
overlay 'l( an 'l( is placed
beginning with with the IMAGE setting.
in the leftmost column of each record in the file,
the current line. The leftmost column, for files
setting ON, is determined by the first logical tab When verification is on, the line is displayed at the terminal after it
has been overlaid.
Section 3. EDIT Subcommands and Macros 239
EDIT Subcommands-OVERLAY r PRESERVEr In addition to using the OVERLAY in the normal way, you may
also issue the OVERLAY subcommand with no operands. The next-line you
enter is treated as overlay data. To cancel the overlay request, press
the Erase Input key and then the Enter key.
PRESERVE Use the PRESERVE subcommand to save the settings of various EDIT
subcommands until a subsequent RESTORE subcommand is issued. The format
of the PRESERVE subcommand is: r I PREserve L- Settings are saved for the following subcommands: CASE Ff!ODE LINEMODE None.
PROMPT LONG PROMPT RECFf! SERIAL SHORT TABSET TRUNe VERIFY ZONE Use the subcommand to change the prompting increment for input
line numbers when you are using line-number editing. The format of the PROMPT subcommand is: r I I PROMPT , I L- , r , , ,n , I 11QI , L J
n specifies the prompting increment; the default value is 10. The
value of n should not exceed 32r767.
When you issue the PROf!PT subcommand with no operands, the current
setting is displayed. 240 CMS Command and f!acro Reference
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