EDIT SubcJmmands-TRUNC, TYPE 1. The editor assigns the following truncation setting by default: ASSEMBLE, MACRO, UPDATE, UPDTxxxx AMSERV, COBOL, DIRECT, FORTRAN, PLI, PLIOPT All Others 72
Record Length
2. The truncation value is used by the INPUT, REPLACE, STACK, and OVERLAY subcommands also, and, for display terminals in display moie, the CHANGE subcommand when it is used with operands.
3. If your virtual machine is in input mode and you enter a line that
is longer than the current truncation setting, the message: is displayed along with a display of the truncated line. Your virtual machine is still in input mode. When you enter the TRUNC subcommand with no operands, the editor
displays the current setting.
TYPE Use the TYPE subcommand to display all or any part of a file at the
terminal. The format of the TYPE subcommand is:
r 1 , r r
" I Tvpe I 1m In II I I 1* 1* " , I 11 I II I , L L .JJ '=- m indicates the number of lines to be displayed, beginning with
current line. An asterisk (*) indicates all lines between
current line and the end of the file. If m is omitted, only
line is displayed. If the number of lines specified exceeds
number remaining in the file, displaying stops at the end of
n indicates the column at which displaying is to stop, overriding the current end column for verification. If n is specified as an
asterisk (*), it indicates that displaying is to take place for the
full record length.
1. Use the TYPE subcommand to display lines when you are editing a
file with verification off. Section 3. EDIT Subcommands and Macros 253
EDIT Subcommands-TYPE, UP 2. If you display one line, the current line pointer does not move; if
you display more than one line, the current line is positioned at
the last line displayed, or at the end of the file if you specified
an asterisk (*).
3. If you have set an end verification column to a value less than the length, and you want to display an entire record, enter:
type 1 *
4. If you do not specify an end column, the length of the line(s)
displayed is determined by the current end verification setting.
If you are using right-handed line-number editing on a typewriter
terminal or a display terminal in line mode, the line numbers are
displayed on the left.
The requested lines are displayed.
Since the TYPE subcommand was designed for printing terminals, it is of
marginal value on a display terminal, except when you use line mode.
However, if the display screen is interrupted by communication from the
control program (CPl, you should use the TYPE subcommand to restore the
full screen display.
UP Use the UP subcommand to reposition the current line pointer toward the
beginning of the file. The format of the UP subcommand is: r =, I , r , I I Up I In , I I I 1.1 I I I I L .J I L- -.I :
n indicates the number of lines the pointer is to be moved toward the
beginning of the file. If a number is not specified, then the
pointer is moved up only one line. The line pointed to becomes the
new current line. UP is equivalent to BACKWARD. When verification is on, the line pointed to is displayed at your
terminal. If the UP subcommand causes the current line pointer to move
beyond the beginning of the file, the following message is displayed:
254 VM/370 CMS Command and Reference
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