DEBUG Subcommands-PSW r RETURN PSW Use the PSW status word) .
subcommand to display the contents of
The format of the PSW subcommand is:
the PSi (program
r , PSW L- -l 1. If the debug environment was entered because of a program
r the program old PSi is displayed. If the debug
environment was entered because of an external interruptionr the external old PSW is displayed. If the debug environment was
entered for any other reason
the following is displayed in
response to the PSW subcommand: 01000000xxxxxxxx where the 1 in the first byte means that external interruptions are
allowed and xxxxxxxx is the hexadecimal storage address of the
debug program.
2. The PSW contains some information not contained in storage or
registers but required for proper program execution. In general r the PSW is used to control instruction sequencing and to hold and
indicate the status of the system in relation to the program
currently executing. For a description of the PSW, refer to
"Appendix A: System/370 Information" in the §I§1gm The PSW is displayed in hexadecimal representation.
RETURN Use the RETURN subcommand to exit from the debug environment and enter
the CMS command environment. The format of the RETURN subcommand is: r -----, , RETurn , L __ _ ----.-.:8 The subcommand is valid only when the debug environment was
entered via the DEBUG command.
The CMS ready message indicates that control has been returned to the eMS environment. 272 VM/3 7 0 eMS Command and Macro Reference
DEBUG Subcommands-SET SET Use the subcommand to change the contents of the control words and general registers. The format of the SET subcommand is:
r 1 , SET , CSW i
hexinfo [hexinfo] 1 , , PSW GPR L- CAW hexinfo
stores the specified information (hexinfo) in the CAW (channel
address word) that existed at the time the debug environment
was entered. CSW hexinfo [hexinfo]
stores the specified information (hexinfo (hexinfo]) in the CSW (channel status word) that existed at the time the debug
environment was entered. PSi hexinfo [hexinfo]
stores the specified information (hexinfo [hexinfo]) in the
old PSW (program status word) for the interruption that caused
the debug environment to be entered. GPR reg hexinfo [hexinfo]
stores the specified information [hexinfo]) in the
specified general register (reg).
1. The subcommand can only change the contents of one control word
at a time. For example, you must issue the SET subcommand three
set caw hexinfo
set csw hexinfo [hexinfo]
set psw hexinfo [hexinfo]
to change the contents of the three control words.
2. The SE7 subcommand can change the contents of one or two general
registers each time it is issued. When four or fewer bytes of
information are specified, only the contents of the specified
register are changed. When more than four bytes of information are
specified, the contents of the specified register and the next
sequential register are changed. For example, the SET subcommand:
set gpr 2 xxxxxxxx
changes only the contents of general register 2. But, the SET
set gpr 2 xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
changes the contents of general registers 2 and 3.
Section 4. DEBUG Subcommands 273
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