EXEC Control Statements-&TYPE &TYPE Use the &TYPE control statement to display a line of tokens at the
terminal. The format of the &TIPE control statement is:
r-------- , &TYPE I [tokl [tok2 ••• [tokn]]]
L tokl [tok2 •.• [tokn]]
specify the tokens to be displayed.
truncated to eight characters. If
null line is displayed.
All tokens are padded or
no tokens are specified, a
Lines displayed with the &TIPE control statement are scanned by the EXEC interpreter and variable symbols are substituted before the line is displayed. To display one or more unscanned lines, use the &BEGTYPE or &BEGTYPE ALL control statements.
2q6 VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
EXEC Built-In Functions-&CONCAT
Bu i It-I nFu nctions You can use the
variable symbols.
may be crsed only
follows: EXEC built-in functions to assign and manipulate With the exception of &LITERAL, built-in functions
on the right-hand side of an assignment statement, as &MIX = &CONCAT &1 &2
Built-in functions may not be combined with arithmetic expressions.
Each of the built-in functions (&CONCAT, and &SUBSTR) is described separately. &CONCAT &DATATYPE, &LENGTH, Use the &CONCAT function to concatenate two or more tokens and assign
the rescrlt to a variable symbol. The format of the &CONCAT function is:
r I &variable = &CONCAT tokl [tok2 ••• [tokn]] L- &variable is the variable symbol whose value is determined by the function.
tokl [tok2 •.• [tokn]1
specifies the tokens that are to be concatenated into a
single token; for example:
&A = **
&B = &CONCAT XX &A 45 &TYPE &B
results in the printed line: XX**45 If the concatenated token is longer than eight characters, the data is
left-justified and truncated on the right. Section 5. EXEC Control Statements 291
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