LINEDI'!' Macro
then the last six hexadecimal digits of the fullword whose address
is in register 5 are substituted in the message text.
If you code fewer than eight digits, leading digits are truncated;
leading zeros are not suppressed. DECA,address converts the fullword at the specified address to graphic decimal
format. Leading zeros are suppressed; if the number is negative, a
minus sign is inserted. For example, if you code: LINED IT TEXT='COUNT = •••••• ·,SUB=(DECA,COUNT) then the fullword at the location COUNT is converted to graphic
decimal format and substituted in the message text. DECA, (reg)
converts the fullword at the address register into graphic decimal format
message text. For example:
specified in the indicated
and substitutes it in the
LINEDIT TEXT='SUM = .......... ·,SUB=(DECA,(3») causes the value in the fullword whose address is in register 3 to
be displayed in graphic decimal format. HEX4A.,address converts the data at the specified address into graphic hexadecimal
format, and inserts a blank character following every four bytes
(eight characters of output). The data to be converted does not have to be on a fullword boundary. When you code periods in the message text for substitution, you
must code sufficient periods to allow for the blanks. Thus to
display 8 bytes of information (16 hexadecimal digits), you must
code 17 periods in the message text.
For example, to display seven bytes of hexadecimal data beginning
at the location STOR in your program, you could code: LINEDIT TEXT='STOR: ••••••••••••••• ·,SUB=(HEX4A,STOR) might result in a display: STOR: OA23F115 78ACFE Note that 15 periods were coded in the message text, to allow for
the blank following the first four bytes displayed.
HE 1(4 A., (r eg)
output) .
the data at the address indicated in the specified
into graphic hexadecimal format and inserts a blank
following every four bytes displayed (eight characters of When you code the
sufficient periods
message text for substitution, you must code
to allow for the blank characters to be
For example, the line:
L INEDI T TEXT=' BU FFER: ••••••••••••••••••••• , SUB= (HEX4 A, (6) )
324 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
LINEDIT Macro results in the display of the first nine bytes at the address in
register 6, in the format:
hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhh hh CHARA,address substitutes the character data at the specified address into the
message text. For example:
LINEDIT TEXT='NAME IS •• •••••••••• '··,SUB=(CHAR1,NAME) causes the 10 characters at location NAME to be substituted into
the message text. Kultiple blanks are removed.
CHARA, (reg)
substitutes the character data at the address indicated in the
specified register into the message text. For example:
LINEDIT TEXT=' CODE IS •••• ', SUB= (CHARA, (7) ) the first four characters at the address indicated in register 7
are substituted in the message line.
substitutes the character data at the specified address into the
message text, and inserts a blank character following each eight
characters of output. When vou code the message text, you must code enough periods to
allow for the blanks that will be substituted.
This substitution list is convenient for displaying eMS parameter
lists. For example, to display a fileid in an FSCB, you might code
LINEDIT TEXT='FILEID IS •••••••••••••••••••• ', SUB=(CHAR8A,OUTFILE+8) where OUTFILE is the label on an FSCB this file were TEST OUTPUT Al, then the
would result in the display:
macro. If the fileid for
LINEDIT macro instruction
In the final edited multiple blanks are reduced to a single blank. (reg)
substitutes the character data at the address indicated in
specified register and inserts a blank character following
eight characters of output.
each When vou code the message text, you must include sufficient periods
to allow for the blanks. For example:
LINEDIT TEXT=IPLIST: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , SUB= (CHARS!, (1) )
results in a display of four doublewords of character data,
beginning at the address indicated in register 7.
Section 6. CMS Macro Instructions 325
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