line specifies the line to be punched. It may be:
text enclosed in quotation marks.
the symbolic address of the line.
a register containing the address of the liRe. ERROR=erraddr specifies the address of an error routine to be given control
if an error is found. If ERROR= is not coaed and an error
occurs, control returns to the next sequential instruction in
the calling program, as it does if no error occurs.
1. No stacker selecting is allowed. The line length must be 80 characters.
2. You must issue the CP CLOSE command to close the virtual punch Issue the CLOSE command either from your program (using an SV: 202 instruction) or from the CMS environment when your program
completes execution. The punch is closed automatically when you log
off or when vou use the CMS PUNCH command.
If an error occurs, register 15 contains one of the following error
codes: 2
3 100 Unit check Unknown error
Punch not attached
332 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
RDCARD Use the RDCARD macro instruction to read a line from a virtual card
reader. The format of the RDCARD macro instruction is: r , I [label] I RDCARD I buffer[,length][,ERROR=erraddr] I L, ____ , label
is an optional statement label.
specifies the buffer address into which the card is to be
read. It may be:
the symbolic address of the buffer.
a register containing the address of the buffer.
specifies the length of card to be read. If omitted, 80 is
assumed. The length may be specified in one of two ways:
a self-defining term indicating the length.
a register containing the length.
specifies the address of an error routine to be given
control if an error is found. If ERROR= is not coded and an
error occurs, control returns to the next sequential
instruction in the calling program, as it does if no error
1. No stacker selecting is allowed.
2. When the macro completes, register 0 contains the length of the
card that was read.
3. You may not use the RDCARD macro in jobs that run under the eMS batch machine.
If an error occurs, register 15 contains one of the following error
Code --1- 2
5 100 !1g§:.ning End of file
unit check Unknown error
Length not equal to requested length
Device not attached
Section 6. CMS Macro Instructions 333
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