WR'TERM. line
specifies the line to be displayed.
It may be one of three , linetext'
the actual text line enclosed in quotation marks.
the label on the statement containing the line.
a register containing the address of the line.
specifies the length of the line. If the line is specified
within quotation marks in the macro instruction, the length
operand may be omitted. The length may be specified in either
of two ways:
a self-defining term indicating the length.
a register containing the length.
EDIT=code specifies whether the line is to be edited: indicates that trailing blanks are to be removed and a
carriage return added to the end of the line. YES is the
default value.
NO indicates that trailing blanks are not to be removed and
no carriage return is to be added.
LONG indicates the line may exceed 130 bytes.
No editing is
indicates the color in which the line is to be typed, if the
typewriter terminal has a two-color ribbon: indicates that the line is to be typed in black. This is
the defa ul t.
R indicates that the line is to be typed in red.
1. The maximum line length is 130 chara=ters for a black line and 126
characters for a red line.
2. If EDIT=LONG, COLOB must be specified as "B". In this case, you may
write as many as 1760 bytes with a single macro instruction. You are responsible for embedding the proper terminal control
characters in the data. (This operand is for use primarily with VS APL programs.)
3. You may want to use the WAITT macro instruction to ensure that
terminal 1/0 is complete before continuing program execution. CMS Command and Macro Reference
Appendixes following appendixes are provided for your convenience: Appendix A: Reserved Filetype Defaults Appendix B: DOS/VS Access Services and VSAM Functions Not
supported in Appendix C: OS/VS Access Services and Functions Not
Supported in CMS Appendixes 343
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