&GOTO control statement
description 288-289 TOP operand 288-289 &HEX control statement
description 288-289 OFF operand 288-289 ON opeLand 288-289
&IF control statement, description 289-290 &INDEX special variable 302 setting 280-281,291-292
&LENGTH blilt-in function, description 298 &LINENUM special variable 302 &LITERAL built-in function, description
299 &LOOP control statement, description 290-291 &n special variable 300 &PUNCH control statement, description 291
&READ statement ARGS operand 291-292
description 291-292 VARS operand 291-292
&READFLAG special variable 302 t es tin g 29 1-292 &RETCODE special variable 302 &SKIP control statement, description
292-293 &SPACE control statement, description 293 &STACK control statement
description 294 FIFO operand 294 LIFO operand 294
stacking CHANGE subcommand 221-223
stacking INPUT subcommand 234-235
stacking REPLACE subcommand 244 &SUBSTR blilt-in function, description 299
&TIME control statement
d escr ipt ion 295 OFF operand 295 ON opeLand 295 RESET operand 295 TYPE operand 295 &TYPE control statement, description 296 &TYPEFLAG special variable 302 o special variable 300 $DUP edit macLo 260 $LISTIO EXEC file
appending information to 118
creating 118
format 118-119 $MOVE edit macro 261 DOWN operand 261 TO oper and 261 UP operand 261
* (asterisk)
entered in fileid
in ACCESS command
218 in ALTER subcommand
in CHANGE subcommand 221-223
in COPYPILE command 35-44
examples 39
in DELETE subcommand 226
in DLBL command 60 in DSERV command 77
in EDIT command 79-80 in FILEDEF command 89
in GETFILE subcommand 232
in LISTDS command 110 in LISTDS command 110.4
in LISTDS command 110.4
in LISTFILE command 115
in PRINT command 139
in PUNCH command 144
in READCARD command 155
in RENAME command 160 in REPEAT subcommand 243
in SCROLL/SCROLLUP subcommand 247-248
in START command 175
in STATE and STATEW commands 177
in TAPPDS command 194
in TRUNC subcommand 252-253
in TYPE subcommand 253-254
in VERIFY subcommand 255
in ZONE subcommand 257-258
with DISK option, of CMS QUERY command
with RESET option
of INCLUDE command 106 of INCLUDE command (2148-!!!D 106.3 of INCLUDE command 106.3 of LOAD command 120 * (comment) command 3 *COPY statement 131 I (diagonalt, used in ACCESS command 16 %, used to pass null argument to EXEC procedure 300 ?
subcommand, description 258
used with DSN option of DLBL command 61
used with FILEDEF DISK option 95
(equal sign)
in COPYFILE command 35-44
examples 39
in RENAME command 160 subcommand (§gg REUSE subcommand)
A option of LISTIO command 118 ABBREV option
of CMS QUERY command 148-149
of CMS SET command 168
relationship to SYNONYM command 184-185 352 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
abbr eviat ion
of command names 4-6,168,184
gueLying acceptability of 148-149
setting acceptability of 168
used with synonyms 184-185
abnormal termination (abend)
effect on DLBL definitions 61
effect on FILEDEF definitions 93
encountered by CMSBATCH command 32
entering debug environment after 263 ACCESS command
description 16-19 ERASE option 16,18
examples 17
first command after 1Pt 16 NODISK option 16 NOPROF option 16
usage with DEFINE command 18
access method services
allocatinq VSAM space 68-69
in CMS/DOS 64-65
control statements, operands not
suppoLted in CMS (OS users) 349-350 determine free space extents for 111
invokinq in CMS 20-22 LISTING file created by 20 restrict ions
for DOS/VS users 349
for DOS/VSE users (5748-XX8) 349
for DOS/VSE users C2748-X]j) 349
for OS/VS users 349-350 A DD opt ion
of MACLIB command 130 of TXTLIB command 197
A-disk, accessed after IPLing CMS 17
ALIGN option of command alignment of boundaries in assembler
program statements 26
ALL opeL and
of &BEGEMSG control statement 280-281 of &BEGPUNCH control statement 281
of &BEGSTACK control statement 282
of &BEGTYPE control statement
of &CONTROL control statement
of SEPIAL subcommand 248-249
of GENMOD command 102 of LISTIO command 118
ALL opt ion
of HELP command 106.1 of HELP command 106.1 ALLOC option of LISTFILE command 115 ALOGIC option of ASSEMBLE command 24
ALTER subcommand
description 218
effect of zone set ti ng 257- 258 AMSERV command
description LISTING file PRINT option TAPIN option TAPaUT option 20-22 20 20 20 20 filetype 21
default editor settings 345 APP EN D option
of COPYFILE command 37
of LISTFILE command 115
of LISTIO command 118 ARGS operand of &READ control statement
on RUN command 165
on START command 175
passed to EXEC procedure 85,279-280
initializing 279-280 passing to nested EXEC procedures 302 reading from terminal or console
stack 291-292
testing how many were passed 302 ASA carriage control characters 330-331 ASAP operand of HNDINT macro 316-317 ASSEMBLE assembler input ddname 27
command 1-2
ALIGN option 26 ALOGIC option 24 BUFSIZE option 26
DECK option 25
description 23-28 DISK option 25 ESD option 24
FLAG option 24
LIBMAC option 24 LINECOUN option 24 LIST option 24
listing control options for 24
MCALL option 24 MLOGIC option 24 NOALIGN option 26 NOALOGIC option 24 NODECK option 25 NOESD option 24 NOLIBMAC option 24 NOLIST option 24 NOMCALL option 24 NOM LOGIC option 24 NONUM option 25 NOOBJECT option 25 NOPRINT option 25 NORENT option 26 NORLD option 24 NOSTMT option 26 NOTERM option 26 NOTEST option 25 NOXREF option 25 NOYFLAG option 26 NUMBER option 25 OBJECT option 25 PRINT option 25
RENT option 26
RLD option 24 STMT option 26 SYSPARM option 26-27 SYSTERM listing 25
TERMINAL option 26 TEST option 25 XREF option 25 YFLAG option 26
Index 353
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