core image
libraries (DOS/VS), displaying
directories of 77
libraries (DOS/VSE) displaying directories of 77
displaying directories of 77
phases, in CMS/DOS 72-73 COUNT option of DDR command TYPE/PRINT function control statement 52 CP (control basic description 1
commands (§gg CP commands) CP commands
description 45 executing
in :MS command environment 45,168 in EXEC procedure 45
in jobs for CMS batch facility 45 with LINEDIT macro 327
implied 168
w hen to use 45
CRDTE operand
of LABELDEF command 110.1 of LABELDEF command 110.1 cross-reference table, assembler, listing
CSECTs, duplicate, for LOAD command 122 CSW operand of SET subcommand 273
subcommand, description 266 CSW (channel status word)
changing in debug environment 273
displayinq in debug environment 266
format 266
CTL option, of UPDATE command 209-210 CTL option of UPDATE command 202 current line pointer
position after deleting lines 226
posit ioninq
at top of file 252
BACKWARD subcommand 220 based on character string 237 BOTTOM subcommand 220 DOWN subcommand 226-227
FIND subcommand 228-229 FORWARD subcommand 231 LOCATE subcommand 237 NEXT subcommand 238
nnnnn subcommand 259 UP subcommand 254 cylinder
extents for VSAM files 68-69
in CMS/DOS 64-65 on virtual disk
counting number of cylinders 97
counting number of cylinders 98
counting number of cylinders 98
resetting number of cylinders 97
resetting number of cylinders 98 resetting number of cylinders 98
D DASD Dump Restore (DDR) program, via DDR command 46-56 data
displaying at terminal
with &BEGTYPE control statement
with &TYPE control statement 296
overlaying in file 36
data sets, defining with FILEDEF command
DATE option of LISTFILE command 115
DD (data definition), simulating in CMS D-disk, accessed after IPL of CMS 17
with DLBL command 60 with FILEDEF command 89
entering tape ddnames for AMSERV 21
for DLBL command, restrictions for OS users 66-67
relating to :MS file 89
to identify VSAM catalogs 69
in CMS/DOS 66-67
used by assembler 27
used in CMS/DOS for DOS/VS libraries
for DOS/VSE libraries
for DOS/VSE libraries
used in MOVEFILE command
DDR command
control statements, entering 47-52 COpy function statement 49-52 COpy function statement 49-51 COpy function statement 49-51 COUNT option of TYPE/PRINT function
control statement 52
description 46-56 DUMP function statement 49-52
example of TYPE/PRINT output 54 GRAPHIC option of TYPE/PRINT function
control statement 52 HEX option of TYPE/PRINT function
control statement 52 INPUT control statement PRINT function statement RESTORE function statement SYSPRINT control statement TYPE function statement 52
52 49-52 49 DEBUG command 2
description 57
BREAK 264 CAW 265 CSW 266
DEFINE 267 DUMP 268 GO 269 GPR 270 HX 270 ORIGIN 271 PSW 272 RETURN 272 SET 273
63 ":)£:0 ..JJU TDU !Tal /":)"7/\ r"'",_," __ \",L.t oJ ""VlU1Uo.,U.U and Macro T"'I_& _____ _ J.. U "1 W L! I ..) , v nO::J..cJ..tu",e
x 275
debug environment 2,57
via breakpoint 263
via DEBUG command 263
via external interruption 263
with GO subcommand 269
with HX subcommand 270 with RETURN subcommand 272
setting oriqin value 271
convertinq to LINEDIT macro
convertinq to hexadecimal, LINEDIT macro
DECK option
of ASSEMBLE command 25
of OPTION command 138
DEFINE, description 267
DEL option
of DOSLIB command 72-73
of MACLIB command 130 of TXTLIB command 197
control statement, for UPDATE command 205 subcommand, description 226
on CHANGE subcommand 221-223
on command line 3
on DSTRING subcommand 227
on LOCATE subcommand 237
DEN option
of ASSGN command 30 of FILEDEF command 92
of TAPE command 189
of TAPE command 190 of TAPE command 190 density of tapes
specifyinq 189
specifyinq 190 specifyinq 190 DESC option
of HELP command 106.1 of HELP command 106.1 DET option of RELEASE command 158
DETACH command 158
device types
default attributes for MOVEFILE command
default attributes for MOVEFILE command 136
default attributes for MOVEFILE command 136
valid for FILEDEF command options 90 valid for FILEDEF command options 90. 1
valid for FILEDEF command options 90.1 devices, waitina for interruptions 339
DIRECT, filetype, default editor settings
directories CMS auxiliary 100 CMS file, writing to disk 158
of DOS/VS libraries
obtaining information from 77
sorting 77
of DOS/VSE libraries
obtaining information from 77
obtaining information from 77
sorting 77
sorting 77
discontiguous, shared segment, saved system
names 169 DISK command DUMP option 58 LOAD option 58
of ASSEMBLE command 25
of CMS QUERY command 150-151 of DOSLIB command 72-73
of DOSLKED command 74
of DSERV command 77
of FILEDEF command 90 of FILEDEF command, examples 94
of FILEDEF command, interactive use
of 95
of M!CLIB command 131
of PSERV command 142
of RSERV command 162
of SSERV command 173
of TAPE command 189
of TXTLIB command 197
of UPDATE command 202 accessing 16-19,17
A-disk 17
D-disk 17
detaching 158
if disk is accessed, in EXEC procedure 301 if disk is CMS as or DOS, in EXEC procedure 301 if disk is full 150-151 read/write status of 150-151 DOS, accessing 18
dumping to and restoring from tape
erasing files from 81
files file)
formatting 97
as, accessing 18
read/write, sharing 18
releasing 158
effect on logical unit assignments in CMS/DOS 30 in eMS/DOS 158
when DLBL definitions are active
66-67 S-disk 17
storage capacity, displaying status of 150-151 writing files to
writing labels on
writing labels on
wr iting labels on
y- disk 17
97 98
Index 359
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