not compatible with the CMS file format,
and =annot be manipulated using CMS file system commands. The terms "disk" and "virtual disk" are
used interchangeably to indicate disks that are in your CMS virtual machine
configuration. Where necessary, a
distinction is made between the CMS-formatted disks and disks in os or Dc)S format. following terms in this publication
refer to the indicated support devices: "2305" refers to IBM 2305 Fixed Head Models 1 and 2. "270X" refers to IBM 2701, 2702, and 2'03 Transmission Control Units or the
Integrated Communications Adapter (ICA) on the System/370 Model 135. "3270" refers to a series of display
devices, namely, the IBM 3275, 3276,
327 7 , and 3278 Display Stations. A specific device type is used only when a
distinction is required between device
Information about display terminal usage
also applies to the IBM 3138, 3148, and 315
Display Consoles when used in
display mode, unless otherwise noted. Any information pertaining to the IBM 32q4 or 3286 Printer also pertains to
the IBM 3287, 3288, and 3289 printers,
unless otherwise noted. "3330" refers to the IBM 3330, Disk Storagp. 1, 2, or 11; and the 3350 Dire=t Storage operating in
3330/3333 1 or 3330/3333 Model 11
compatibility mode. "3340" refers to the IBM 3340 Disk Storage, Models A2, Bl, and B2, and the
3344 Direct Access storage Model B2. "3350" refers to the Access storage Models native mode.
IBM 3350 A 2 and
B2 in "3
"3705", or
IBM 37[l4 and 3704/3705" refers to 3705 Communications
C on t roll e r s . "3
refers to the 3705 I and the 3705 II unless otherwise noted. "2741" refers to the IBM 2741 and the
6 7 , unless otherwise specified. "3065" refers to the IBM 3066 System Consale. VM/378 Command and Reference For a glossary of VM/370 terms, see the GC20-1813. PREREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS In addition to the in
the following publications: For information about the that
you are using, including procedures for
gaining access to the VM/310 system and
logging on, see the GC20-1810. If you are using an IBM 3761
Communications Terminal, the IBM GA18-2000, is a
prerequisite. The CP commands that are available to
you as a general user are described in
IBM Virtual Machine GC20-1820. For additional tutorial information on
using CM, you may want to use IQf = ! SR20-4438. If you are going to use an IBM Program
Product compiler under CMS, you should have
available the appropriate program product
documentation. These publications are
listed in GC20-1800. COREQUISITE PUBLICATIONS The Virtual Machine all
of the error messages and system responses
produced by the eM commands and EDIT and DEBUG subcommands referenced in this
publication. It also lists the error
messages issued by the EXEC processor
during execution of your EXEC procedures.
If you aLe alternating between eMS and
other operating systems in virtual running under VM/310, you should consult in GC20-1821.
SUPPLEMENTAL PUBLICATIONS For general information about the VM/370 system, see the publications IntroQY£!iQQ, GC20-1g00, and GC 20- 1757. Additional descriptions of various CMS functions and commands which are normally
used by system support personnel are
described in QY1gg, GC20-1801 Information
invoked under ££'QQlgm GC 20- 1 g2 3.
on IPCS commands, which are CMS, is contained in L££11iiyLJIQ: QYigg, Details on the CMS CPEREP, a command
used to generate output reports from VM/370 error recording records, are contained in: E££iliiYLllQ: £nQ GC20-1809& For more details on the operands used with CPERFP, refer to: Rg£Q£Qing, £Iinting £IQg££ill, GC28-0772.
For issued by CMS CPEFEP, see: are three publications available as
ready reference material when you use VM/3 7 0 and C'MS. They are: (other ih£n G1C20-1 q
If you are going to use the Spooling Communications Subsystem, GC20-1816.
see the RgmQig Assembler language programmers may information about the VM/370 assembler in sn.g !§§§IDQlgI 1sn.gysgg, arder No. GC33-4010, and GC33-4021. CMS support of Access Method Services is
based on DOS/VS Access Method Services. The control statements that you can use are
described in !££g§2 GC33-5382. The contains details on how to use
this support. Error messages produ=ed by
the Access Method Services program, and
return codes and reason codes are listed in GC33-5379. For a detailed description of DOS/VS VSAM macros and macro parameters, refer to
the ILQ GC33-5373. For information on OS/VS VSAM macros, refer to GC26-38i8. The CMS ESERV command invokes the DOS/VS ESERV program, and uses, as input, the
control statements that you would use in These control statements are
described in iQ GC33-4024.
Linkage editor control statements, used
when invoking the DOS/VS linkage editor
under CMS/DOS, are described in GC33-5376.
Batch DL/I application programs =an be
written and tested in the CMS/DOS environment. See GC20-1819, and Q1L! GH20-1246, for Preface v
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