retains the current definition until it either is
explicitly cleared or is changed with a new FILEDEF
command with the CHANGE option. If PERM is not
specified, the definition is cleared when a FILEDEF
CLEAR command is executed .. merges the file definitions whenever a file definition
already exists for a ddname and a new FILEDEF command
specifving the same ddname is issued; the options
associated with the two definitions are merged. Options from the original definition remain in effect unless
duplicated in the new definition. New options are added
to the option list.
retains the current file definition, if one exists, for
the specified ddname.
is the record format of the file, where "a" can be one of
the following:
FB V VB U FS,FBS VS,VBS A M fixed length
fixed blocked
va riable length
variable blocked
1 undefined. fixed length, standard blocks
variable length, spanned records ASA print control characters2
machine print control codes
LRECL nnnnn is the logical record length (nnnnn) of the file, in bytes.. LRECL should not exceed 32160 bytes because of as
restrictions. BLOCK nnnnn
is the logical block size (nnnnn) of the file, in bytes. BLOCK should not exceed 32160 bytes because of as
restrictions. If both BLOCK and BLKSIZE options are
specified, the value of nnnnn for is used and BLKSIZE is ignored.
If a CMS file is fixed and has 80-byte records, you
should specify RECFM FB BLOCK 800 LRECL 80. Performance
can be improved for CMS fixed files if the block size is
a multiple of 800. KEYLEN nnn is the size (nnn) of the key (in bytes) value accepted is 256.
The maximum XTENT nnnnn is the
number of records (nnnnn) in the extent for the
The default is 50. The maximum value is 65535. LIMe:: nnn is the maximum number of extra tracks or blocks (nnn) to
be searched. The maximum value is 256. IFB and VB should not be used with TERMINAL or READER devices. 2A and "I may be used with any of the valid RECFM settings (for example, FA, FBA, VA, VBA, etc.) M should not be used with TERMINAL devices. Section 2. Commands 91
FILEDEF OPTCD a is the direct access search processing desired. The
variable "a" may be any combination of up to three of the
following: (A and R are mutually exclusive.) A E
DASD Search addressing
Extended search
Feedback addressinq Relative block addressing
Note: The KEYlEN, tTENT, LIMCT, and OPTCD options should only be used with BDAM files. DISP MOD positions the read/write pointer after the last record in
the disk file. This option should only be used for
output files. MEMBER membername CONCAT DSORG un r ,
allows you to specify the name of a member
partitioned data set; membername is the name
of an OS of the PDS allows you to assign the same ddname to two or more OS macro libraries so that you can refer to them in a single GLOBAL command.
Any file format options you specify in the first FILEDEF
command line remain in effect for subsequently
concatenated libraries. For a detailed description of
concatenated macro libraries, see "Using OS Macro libraries" in VML170 CM§. 2yidg ..
is the data set organization: physical sequential CPS), partitioned (PO), or direct access CDA). , 1TRACK, is the tape setting. , qTRACK I L J
TRTCR a is the tape recording technique for 7-track tapes. Use the following chart to determine the value of "a" for
7-track tapes.
DEN den LOWCASE r0- t I a Parit y Converter Translator I I I , 0 odd off off , , OC odd on off I , OT odd off on I , E even off off I I ET even off on , L-- J default value of TRTCH is is tape density: den can be 200, 556, 800, 1600, or 6250 bpi (bits per inch). If 200 or 556 are specified, 7TRACK
is assumed. If 800, 1600, or 6250 are specified 9TRACK is
translates all terminal input data to uppercase. retains all terminal input data as typed in. 92 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
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