EDIT Subcommands-nnnnn
nnnnn Use the nnnnn subcommand to enter and locate lines when you are using
line-number editing. The format of the nnnnn subcommand is:
r ------------------------------.--------------------------, I{nnnnn } I nnnnnnnn
r text] I I L nnnnn indicates a line number between 0 BASIC or VSBASIC, or a line number
filetype is FREEFORT.
and 99999 if the filetype is
between 0 and 99999999 if the
text specifies a line of text to be inserted into the file at the
specified line number. If a line with that number already
exists, it is replaced. If no text line is specified, the
current line pointer is positioned at the line number specified. nnnnn subcommand
editing; that is, you
RIGHT LEFT operand.
and FREEFOR! files.
is valid only when you are using line-number
have issued the LINEMODE subcommand using the
Line-number editing is the default for VSBASIC When you issue the nnnnn subcommand with no operands, the line with the
specified line number is displayed. If the line is not found, the
editor displays the message:
LINE NOT FOUND and the current line pointer is set at the largest line number that does
not exceed nnnnn.
Section 3. EDIT Subcommands and Macros 259
Edit Macros-$DUP EDIT Macros
Edit macros are CMS EXEC files that execute sequences of EDIT
subcommands. following edit macros are supplied with VM/310 for vour convenience. For additional information on creating and invoking your own edit macros and EXEC files, see the Use the $DUP to duplicate the current line. The format of the $DUP macro is: r , , , r , I t $DlJP I In I , , I 11 I , I I L J , L- -lI n indicates the number of times you want to duplicate the line; the value vou can specify is 25. If n is omitted, the current
line is duplicated once.
1. last copy of the line duplicated becomes the new current line.
2. If vou use the logical line end symbol (I) to stack additional
subcommands on the same line with the $DUP edit macro those
subcommands are cleared from the console stack and the message: S!ACKED LINES CLEARED BY SDUP is issued. The stacked subcommand(st are not executed.
3 Because it
uses console functions, $DUP cannot
records containing binary zeros or Truncated duplicate records will result.
be used when
4. When using line-number editing, you can insert duplicate lines
between existing numbered lines if the interval between line
numbers is large enough. Execution of $DUP stops after the last
valid line number has been assigned. You can renumber your file to
increase the interval between line numbers.
5. Because it uses the STACK EDIT subcommand, $DUP can duplicate a of 130 characters in one line. Longer lines are truncated. last line duplicated (the new current line) is displayed. 260 eMS Command and Macro Reference
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