132 IBM VM/370 Planning and System Generation Guide
Preparing the Real I/O Configuration File (DMKRIO) The real I/O configuration file consists of macros that describe the I/O devices, control units, and channels attached to the real System/310. uses this information to schedule I/O operations and to allocate
resources. Therefore, the real I/O macro entries must represent the
real hardware configuration accurat.ely. Generally, there must be one
real I/O macro entry for each hardware unit in your configuration. You can include entries for more devices than your installation has
so that devices can be added in the future without performing another
system generation, but bear in mind that the control blocks generated (RDEVBLOK, RCUBLOK
and RCHBLOK) occupy space in real storage.
When preparing the RDEVICE and RCTLUNIT entries, refer to "Appendix
B: Con figuration Aid" to assist you in configuring control units and
devices. Following the descriptions of the CLUSTER, TERMINAL, RDEVICE, RCTLUNIT, RCHANNEL, and RIOGEN macros, there is an example showing how
these macros are coded for one particular real configuration.
The macros, in their proper sequence, are:
The Qni TQ Remote Display Stations RDEVICE RCTLUNIT RCHANNEL RIOGEN file is CSECT CLUSTER TERMINAL RDEVICE RCTLUNIT I/O Devices Control Units Channels System Console
placed in the reader
RCHANNEL macros RIOGEN macro
as follows: IThere must be a CLUSTER macro for each 3270 control unit for remote 3270s. Each CLUSTER macro must be followed immediately by the TERMINAL macros representing each display station and printer on that control
unit. The CLUSTER and TERMINAL macro groups must precede all the other
real I/O configuration macros. See the special requirements for the TERMINAL macros for devices attached to the 3214 Model 1C in the
section on "Coding the Real I/O Configuration Macros for Remote 3270s." Part 2. Defining Your VM/310 System 133
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