Page of GC20-1801-10 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0837 CflSGEND *** RESULTS: ['fn MODOLD A1' WAS ERASED] ('fn MODULE A2' RENAMED TO 'fn MODOLD A1']
'fn MODULE A2' CREATED FROM TEXT DECK(S) ••• WITH ATTRIBUTES ••• These messages indicate which existing modules
renamed, which text files were used to create the
the attributes used to create the module.
( NULL LINE DEFAULTS TO'S' DISK) were erased and
new module, and
This message is issued when you specify ASSEfiBLE. You should enter
the mode letter of the disk that contains the system assembler.
This letter is used as the target disk mode address for the GENDIRT
command. ERROR OCCURRED. CMSGEND STOPS. This message indicates that an error occurred and that CMSGEND is
terminated. INVALID ARGUMENT fn
This message indicates an invalid filename was specified on the
command line.
Note: Text files must have a filetype of TEXT. For example, after you
have updated an object module using VMFASM, the most recent object file
has a filetype such as TXTLOCAL. To use that text file here, you must
rename it to a filetype of TEXT. If there is currently a text file on
the system disk, you may want to rename it too, so that your updated
text file (which may reside on another disk) is the one that is loaded.
Part 5. Updating VK/370 379
OI GCLU-ltlUl-l0 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0837 GENERATE
GENERATE is a multipurpose EXEC used to generate VK/370. use it to perform updating and maintenance of CP, eMS, and RSCS VM/370 service programs You may also You may also use it to regenerate your VK/370 operand after updating The directory The real I/O configuration (DHKRIO) The system control file (DHKSYS) The forms control buffer load (DKKFCB) The system name table (DHKSNT) Instructions for coding the control statements and macros that define
your VM/370 directory, and DHKRIO, DMKSYS, and DKKSNT files are in "Part 2. De[iniug Your VM/370 Instructions for coding a new DKKFCB module are in the VHlJ70 programmer-s The GENERATE EXEC procedure assumes the following: Virtual RSCS/IPCS tape address = 181 Virtual CP nucleus tape address = 182
virtual address of CMS build area = 190 virtual address of CP and RSCS build area = 194 Virtual card reader = OOC The format of the GENERATE EXEC command is:
GENERATE VM370 VM370 DIRECT (ONLY] DMKRIO [ONL I] DMKSYS [ONL I] DMKFCB [ONLY] DMKSNT [ONLI] IPLDECK SRVCPGM r , ICP I NUCLEUS [NOLOAD] ICMSI L .J FSCS [BUILD] builds a new VM/370 directory, assembles DMKRIO and DKKSIS (also assembles DMKFCB and DMKSNT, if they are supplied),
writes the CP nucleus to tape and optionally loads it. You must have the appropriate files in your virtual card
reader at address OOC. place the following in your card
reader, in the order shown:
{Directory program control :READ DMKRIO ASSEMBLE 380 IBM VM/370 Planning and System Generation Guide
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