2. The maximum sizes (in cylinders) of CMS minidisks are as follows: 2314/2319 3330 Model 1 3330 Model 11 3340 Model 35 3340 Model 70/3344 3350 Series 203 246
115 200 404 808 349
3. CMS employs the spooling facilities of VM/370 to perform unit
record I/O. However, a program running under CMS can issue its own SIOs to attached dedicated unit record devices.
4. Only those as and DOS facilities that are simulated by CMS can be
used to execute as and DOS programs produced by language processors
under eMS. 5. Many types of object programs produced by CMS (and OS) languages
can be executed under eMS using CMS's simulation of as supervisory
functions. Although supported in as and .DOS virtual machines under VM/370, the writing and updating of non-VSAM OS data sets and DOS files are not supported under eMS. 6. CMS can read sequential and partitioned as data sets and sequential DOS files, by simulating certain as macros.
The following restrictions apply when CMS reads as data sets that
reside on as disks: Read-password-protected data sets are not read unless they are VSAM data sets. BDAM and ISAM data sets are not read. Multivolume data sets are
End-of-volume is treated
end-of-volume switching.
read as single-volume data
as end-of-file and there
is no Keys in data sets with keys are ignored and only the data is
read, except for VSAM. User labels in user-labeled data sets are bypassed.
The following restrictions apply when eMS reads DOS files that
reside on DOS disks: Only DOS sequential files can be read. CMS options and operands
that do not apply to as sequential data sets (such as the MEMBER and CONCAT options of FILEDEF and the PDS option of MOVEFILE) also do not apply to DOS sequential files. The following types of DOS files cannot be read: --DOS DAM and ISAM files.
--Files with the input security indicator on. --DOS files that contain more than 16 extents. 1!Qte: User labels occupy the first extent; therefore, the file can hold
only 15 additional data extents.}
Appendix F: V8/370 Restrictions 439
Multivolume files are read
End-of-volume is treated as
end-of-volume switching.
as single-volume
end-of-file. There User labels in user-labeled files are bypassed.
is no Since DOS files do not contain BLKSIZE, RECFM, or LRECL
parameters, these parameters must be specified via FILEDEF or
DCB parameters; otherwise, defaults of BLOCKSIZE=32760 and are assigned. LRECL is not used for RECFM=U files. CMS does not support the use of OS/VS DUMMY VSAM data sets at
program execution time, since the CMS/DOS implementation of the DUMMY statement corresponds to the DOS/VS implementation.
Specifying the DUMMY option with the DLBL command will cause an
execution-time error.
7. Assembler program usage of VSAM and the ISAM Interface Program (lIP) is not supported. Miscellaneous Restrictions
1. If you intend to run VM/370 Release 1 and pre-PLC 9 Release 2
systems alternately, apply Release 1 PLC 14 or higher (APAR Vl179) to your Release 1 system, to provide compatibility and to prevent
loss of spool files in case of a warm start. Changes to the spool
file format in PLC 9 of Release 2 require a cold start when
switching between pre-Release 2 PLC 9 and post-Release 2 PLC 9
2. The number of pages used for input/output must not exceed the total
number of user pages available in real storage. Violation of this
restriction causes the real computing system to be put into an
enabled wait state.
3. If you intend to define more than 64 virtual devices for a single
virtual machine, be aware that any single request for free storage
in excess of 512 doublewords (a full page) can cause an error
message to be issued if storage cannot be obtained. Tables for
virtual devices for a virtual machine must reside in contiguous
storage. Therefore, two contiguous pages of free storage must be
available in order to log on a virtual machine with more than 64
virtual devices, (three contiguous pages for a virtual machine with
more than 128 virtual devices, etc.). Contiguous pages of free
storage are sure to be available only immediately after IPL, before
other virtual machines have logged on. Therefore, a virtual
machine with more than 64 devices should be the first to log on
after IPL. The larger the real machine size, the lesser the
possibility of this occurring.
4. For remote 3270s, VM/370 supports a maximum of 16 binary
synchronous lines, minus the number of 3704/3705 Communications
Controllers in NCP mode minus one (if there are any 3704/3705 Communications Controllers in emulation mode).
5. If an I/O device (such as a disk or tape drive) drops ready status
while it is processing virtual I/O activity, any virtual machine
users performing I/O on that device are unable to continue
processing or to log off. Also, the LOGOFF and FORCE commands are
not effective because they do not complete until all outstanding I/O is finished. The system operator should determine which IIO device is involved and make that device ready once more. 440 IBM VM/370 Planning and System Generation Guide
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