Page of GC20-1801-10 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0831
output, spooling classes, defining with the BDEVICE macro 146-147 OUTPUT operand
of SYSACNT macro 182
of SYSACNT macro (5148-XEj) 182
overlapping extents on minidisks 183
page boundaries, object modules 312
PAGE operand, of SYSOWN macro 161
page zero, restrictions 435-436
paging DASD requirements 88
performance considerations 164
performance considerations 165
performance considerations (5148-XE1) 165 Handshaking feature 39-40 partitioned data sets, supported 21
password, use in sharing minidisks 101-102 password suppression facility, SYSJRL macro
181 PERFORM, data collection class 118-119
data collection, SYSMON macro 111-119
Extended Control-program Support 8-9
Extended Control-Program Support (.2ill-!l!j) 18-18.1
guidelines 1-8
for heavy I/O production 164
for heavy I/O production 165
for heavy I/O production ( 165
for installation with large CMS users 165
for installation with large CMS users ( 165
for installation with large ens users 165
for read-only minidisks 165
for read-only minidisks 165
for read-only minidisks 165
using automatic monitoring facilities
using automatic monitoring facilities 165
using automatic monitoring facilities (5148-XEjl 165
using fixed head devices for paging
using fixed head devices for paging
(51 !!.ยง) 165 using fixed head devices for paging 165
virtual machine assist 11-18
when coding the DMKSYS macros 164-165 measurement and analysis 7-8
measuring with MONITOB command 1 MiS/System Extensions Support, processors supported (5148-XE1) 8.1 MTS/System Extensions Support 18.1
op tions 8-10 Small CP Option (5748-1X8) 84.2
virtual machine assist 8-9
virtual machine assist 8.1
performance guidelines
when coding the DMKSYS macros 165
when coding the DMKSYS macros 165
phase names, TSAM and Access Method Services 357
physical record, CMS 26
planning considerations CMS/DOS standard label cylinder ....... ;'f standard label cylinder 31
tape handling (5748-XX8) tape handling (5748-XE1) for a virtual=real machine for Access Method Services for CMS 19-30 37
for CMS lSAM 31-33
data set compatibility 32
distribution of TSAM and CMS 33
hardware devices supported 31-32 ISAM Interface Program (lIP) 32
languages supported 32
user requirements 33
for CMS/DOS 35-31
33 DOS/TS system generation 35
standard label cylinder 36-37
tape handling 36
when DOS/TS system must be online
installing lSAM under CMS for installing lSAM under CMS 33
for support of communication facility
for support of communication facility 48.4-49
for support of communication facility (5148-XEj) 48.4-49
for supporting 3104/3105 63-68
for supporting 3800 image library 69-10 for system generation 1
for the 3104/3105 control program
for 3210s 51-62
remote attachments 51-52
remote hardware configuration
supported 52
system generation requirements 53-58 operating systems other than CMS 39-49
reserve/release 46-48.3 BSCS 41-42 PL/I execution restrictions under CMS 23-24
use with CMS 23 PBELOAD utility program MAP file (.2148-1X8) 384.1 MAP file (514.!!-XE 1) 384.1
Index 463
Page of GC20-1801-10 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0837 messaqes 384.2
messaqes (5748-XE1) 384.2
reformattinq text files 384-384.2 TEXT file 384.1 TEXT file (.2148-X1;1) 384.1
utility proqram 384-384.2
printer buffer load
changing for cardless system 244.2
changing for cardless system (2148-!!1) 244.2
printing, files in CMS 29 PROB, generatinq command name for IPCS 367
problem analysis, via IPCS 3
desirable features 107 model-dependent functions 434
required features 106-107 for RSCS 125 by VM/3
105-107 program languages
supported by CMS 23
supported for CMS VSAM 32
program level change service updates, PUT updates 331 Proqram Update Tape PUT (Program Update Tapeยป proqrammable remote stations, required
features for RSCS 125 PROTECT operand, of NAMESYS macro 221
protection, discontiquous saved segments
267 PSUPRS operand, of SYSJRL macro 181 PTFs applying to CMSBAM shared segment 358
applying to CMSBAM shared segment (57.!!.ยง-XE1) 358
applying to VSAM shared segment 358
applying to VSAM shared segment (.2148-XE1) 358
nucleus regeneration requirements 409-411 PTFs temporary fixes)
applying to the 3704/3705 control
program 315 applying to VM/370 319 PUNCH, command (CMS), usage 28
punch-feed-read 436
card files in CMS 28
card files in CMS 28.1
card files in CMS 28.1
service programs durinq system
generation 242-243
the starter system supplied
forms control buffer 243
system control file 243
system name table 243 VM/370 directory 243 PUT (Program Update Tape)
applying CP service 241-242
completing the application of service
256-258 EREP updates 258
for system generation 5
general information 331
Memo to Users 5,331
mounting during system generation 239
obtaining RSCS 282-283
usage with update procedures 319 VMSERV EXEC 394-398
return codes 398
RCHANNEL macro ADDRESS operand . 155 CHTYPE operand 155
example 155
format 155 RCHBLOK (see control blocks)
creating 155
generated label 155 RCTLUNIT macro aDDRESS operand ALTCH operand 153
channel errors 154
configuration aid for 405-408 CUTYPE operand 152
example 153
FEATURE=xxx-DETICE operand 151 FEATURE operand 153
format 152
using to define alternate paths 45 RCUBLOK control blocks)
addressing 151
creating 151
label generated 152 RCTRI D operand
of NAMESYS macro (.2748-XX8) 222 NAMESYS macro (5748-XE1) 222 RDETBLOK control blocks)
creating 142-150 label generated 142 RDEVI CE macro ADAPTER operand 148 ADDRESS operand 143 ALTCU operand 149
BASEADD operand 149
CHAR operand 150 CLASS operand 146-147 CLUSTER operand 149
considerations for 3101 display
terminal 144
example 150 for system console 144
for the CTC! 144
for the EP 3704/3705 control program
for the ICA 144
for TWX terminals 148
for 3270s 54-56
summary of considerations for 3704/3705 control program 67
to support the 3704/3705 control
program 63-67
to support 3800 image library 69-70 configuration aid for 405-408 control unit error messages 150.1 CPNAME operand 149 CPTYPE operand 148
464 IBM VM/370 Planning and System Generation Guide
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