Page of GC20-1801-10 As Updated April 1, 1981 by TNL GN25-0837 SYSOWN Macro
is the CP-owned volume identification of from 1 to 6 alphameric
characters. r , I, TEMRI I, PAGEl L .J indicates to VM/370 how allocatable space on the specified volume
should be used. TEMP indicates that this volume is to be used primarily for
spooling space and it viII also be used for paging space if all
volumes normally used for paging allocation are full or
unavailable. TEMP is the default option. (TEMP space must be by the CP Format/Allocate service program. At this time
areas for user TDSKs and directory are allocated.) If no volume is specified as being preferred for TEMP space
allocation, no spooling operations may be performed. Thus any data
transfer channel program started to a virtual unit record output
device ends with UC status in the virtual CSW and the intervention
required bit set in the virtual sense byte.
PAGE indicates that this volume is to be used primarily for paging,
(this does not include spool space). Note that TDSK requests from
this volume occur only when a request for space cannot be satisfied
on a volume with a TEMP allocation.
The following SYSOWN macro designates the CPDRM1 volume as paging space
and the CPDSK1 and CPDSK2 volumes as spooling space and paging overflov: SYSOWN (CPDRM1,PAGE), (CPDSK1,TEMP),CPDSK2
Part 2. Defining Your VM/370 System 167
Apr 1. .1. , , , 'j 0 , SYSRES Macro SYSRES Macro Use the SYSRES macro instruction to describe the characteristics of the CP system residence volume.
The name field
must not be specified for the SYSRES macro lor Coding .the Mac£Q: The following
information should help you when you code the SYSRES macro: All operands must be specified with appropriate values. The cylinders required for SYSNUC, SYSERR, SYSWRM, and SYSCKP must be
formatted using the CP Format/Allocate service program, and must be
allocated as permanent space on the SYSRES volume, but not in
cylinder O. VM/370 allows the 2314 or 2319 "alternate tracks" cylinders 200-202 - ----" data if they -- -, .- -.- .... defective tracks. On a 3340, the "alternate tracks" cylinders can no longer be used for
normal data. (prev iously, these cylinders were sometimes used for
normal data.) On a 3340 Model 35, use only cylinders 0-347. On a 3340 Model 70, use only cylinders 0-695. An MSS 3330V volume may not be used as the VM/370 SYSRES volume.
The format of the SYSRES macro is:
Name Operation SYSRES Operands SYSVOL=ser ial, S YSR ES=address, SYSTYPE=12305 ,
3350 SYSNUC=strtcyl, r , SYSEBR=[ (]strtcyl I, cylc ount I [)] 1,2 I L .J r , SYSC KP=[ (]strtcyl I, cy lc ount I [) 1 1,1 I L J r , SYSWRM=( (]strtcyl I, cylc ount I [) ] 1,1 I L J
168 IBM VM/370 Planning and System Generation Guide
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