3A50 MSS or VS running in a virtual machine to which an MSC port has been
dedicated. In either case, once CREATEV has completed, the volume is
known to the MSS and may be referenced in MSC mount and demount orders. COPYING 3330-1 VOLUMES TO 3330V VOLUMES A full or partial 3330-1 volume may be copied to 3330V volumes. Once the MSS volumes have been initialized as described previously, with CREATEV, either of the following may be done: The access method services command CONVERTV may be executed from
either a native processor or a VS virtual machine. This will make a
bit by bit copy of the 3330-1 on the MSS 3330V. Allor part of the 3330-1 volume and the 3330V volume can be
allocated to a virtual machine using the directory MDISK or DEDICATE
statements or the operator ATTACH command. Standard CMS. OS. DOS. OS/VS and stand-alone utilities can then be used to copy data to the MSS volume. USING 3330V VOLUMES FOR VS SYSTEM RESIDENCE A VS system can be loaded in a virtual machine from a 3330V volume because VM/310 can make the virtual IPL device appear to be a 3330-1. The following steps describe one way this can be done: Use the CREATEV command to create an MSS volume with a volume serial
number of VOL001. Define a directory entry for a virtual machine (VS2VK) with an KDISK statement, describing a minidisk spanning cylinders 1 through 401 on
volume VOL001. VM/310 mounts VOLOOl and allocates the minidisk when VS2VK logs on.
The operator can then attach a 3330-1 containing a VS2 system to VS2VM. Copy cylinders 0-400 of the 3330-1 to the minidisk within VS2VK. IPL the virtual device address corresponding to the minidisk as a VS2 system residence device.
THE VM/310 RDEVICE MACRO The 3330V device addresses generated in the VM/310 control program can
be used for two purposes: they can have 3330V system volumes containing
minidisks mounted on them, or they can be dedicated to a virtual
machine. In either case, the control program can dynamically select a
specific device to satisfy a request. You must divide the pool of
available 3330V devices into two types, one for system volumes and one
for dedicated volumes. The FEATURE= operand of the RDEVICE macro is used
to first indicate that a device address is a 3330V as opposed to a 3330-1, and second, to indicate the type of 3330V system or
76 IBM VM/310 Planning and System Generation Guide
3850 PISS W.hen coding the RDEVICE macro for a 3330V device address, either FEATURE=VIRTUAL or FEATURE=SYSVIRT must be coded, where: VIRTUAL defines a 3330V that may not be used for system volumes. It
may be dedicated or attached to virtual machines as a 3330-1 or 3330V. SYSVIRT defines a 3330V that is used for VPI/370 system volumes. It
cannot be dedicated or attached to a virtual machine. PISS volumes
that are 3330V, can be mounted on SYSVIRT 3330V devices but cannot be
dedicated to a virtual machine by address, nor attached to other than
the system. -
To specify an alternate control unit on the RDEVICE macro, code: RDEVICE ADDRESS=cuu,DEVTYPE=nnnn,MODEL=n,ALTCU=cuu Figure 12 shows how the real I/O control block structure is coded and
logically appears when an alternate control unit is specified. RDEVICE RCTLUNIT ADDRESS=340,CUTYPE=3830,FEATURE=32-DEVICE RCTLUNIT ADDRESS=250,CUTYPE=3830,FEATURE=32-DEVICE RCU340 RCU350 RCU250 RCU348 RCU358 RCU258 r-> I I r->r r->. 1 r->. I- I I I I I I I I I I RCU260 RCU268 I 1 I I I<-I-IRCUSUBI I I 1< I-IRCUSUBI , I I I I , I I I I I I I I , I , I --I i I I , I I I I I RDV340-34F I I RDV350-35F I , I I I I I I I I , I L_I I I L-IRCU340 RDEVCUA I IRCU350lRDEVCUA I I ---I I I I IRCU250 RDEVCUB RDEVCUBIRCU2601 --I I I I I I I Figure 12. Real I/O Control Block Structure for Alternate Control Unit Specification Part 1. Planning for System Generation 77
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