March 3, 1980 RDEVICE Macro The class is used by the CP START command and may be changed by
this command. For a complete description of the START command,
see the VML.JIQ A class C punch should be includ ed if accounting cards are
desired. !2! Specify a device subclass only for unsupported device types. CP uses the subclass when it translates virtual CCW strings directed
to unsupported devices. This form of the CLASS operand is valid
only if the device type specified on the DEVTY-PE Operand does not
appear in the list of valid device types.
The subclasses are: DASD TAPE TERM
GRAF URr URO Direct Access Storage Devices Tap e dev ices
Display mode terminals Unit record input devices Unit record output devices You must determine the correct subclass to specify for any device
type that does not appear in the list of valid device types under
the DEVTYPE operand. Do not code a subclass for any device type
that appears in that list. For example, a 1287 Optical Reader is
an unsupported device for VM/370. It does not appear in the list
of supported devices in Part 1 and is not listed as a device type
for the DEVTYPE operand of the RDEVICE macro. However, you can
define a 1287 and use it if you dedicate it to a virtual machine. You must decide the correct subclass. For example,
RDEvrCE ADDRESS=010,DEVTYPE=1287,CLASS=URI defines a 1287 Optical Reader at address 010. The 1287 belongs to
the unit record input (URr) subclass. li.Q1:.§§: 1. If you use this form of the CLASS operand and the unsupported
device does not function properly, try dedicating the device
to a virtual=real machine and inhibiting CCW translation (by
issuing SET NOTRANS ON) Note that a maximum of 32 sense
bytes can be contained in the RDEVBLOK created for an
unsupported device.
2. The CLASS operand is invalid if you are specifying service
record file devices. Part 2. Defining Your VM/370 System 147
Page of GC20=1801-10 As Updated March 3, 1980 by TNL GN25-0776 RDEVICE Macro ADAPTER= BSCA IBM1 SOCC TELE2 TYPE1 TYPE2 TYPE3 TYPE4 is the terminal control or transmission adapter used to connect a
telecommunication I/O device to its control unit. This operand is
required if a DEVTYPE of 2701, 2702, 2703, 3704, 3705, or ICA is
specified, and is ignored if specified for any other device type.
BSCA specifies an IBM Binary Synchronous Terminal Adapter Type II
for a 2701, or an IBK Binary Synchronous Terminal Control Type II
for a 2703, 3704, or 3705. BSCA must be specified for remote 3270 terminals and IBK1 specifies that an IBK Terminal Adapter Type I attaches a 1050 or 21ql to a Ll01, or that an IBM Terminal I attaches a 1050 or 2741 to a 2702 or 2703, or that a Line Interface Base
Type I attaches a 1050 or 2741 to a 3704 or 3705. SDLC specifies that a 4331 Communications Adapter operate its
teleprocessing lines in Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) mode. ADAPTER=SDLC is valid only when you specify DEVTYPE=ICA. TELE2 specifies that a 3101 display terminal or a CPT-TWX (Models
33/35) Terminal attaches to a Telegraph Terminal Adapter Type II in
a 2701, or to a Telegraph Terminal Control Type II in a 2702 or 2703, or to a Line Interface Base Type I in a 3704 or 3705. TYPE1, specifies the channel adapter accessed by a 3704. For DEVTYPE=3705, TYPE4 should be coded. In identifying the channel
adapter, TYPE1 or TYPE4 must be specified for the Emulation Program (EP). In identifying the line adapter, IBM1, TELE2, or BSCA can be
specified only in relation to another RDEVICE macro which has ADAPTER=TYPE1, or TYPE4. SETADDR=sadnum
is the set address (SAD) command to be issued for a
telecommunication line attached to a 2702, 3704, or 3705 control
unit. This operand is required if the device is a 2702. Sadnum o
(no SAD command is issued)
is the 3704/3705 control program to be run
Communications Controller. EP specifies the
Emulation Program. 148 IBM VK/370 Planning and System Generation Guide
in a 3704 or 2701, 2702, or 3705 2703
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