LOAD 7 The CMS loader also loads routines called dynamically by OS LINK, LOAD, and macros. Under certain circumstances, an incorrect
entry point may be returned to the calling program. See the Guigg for more details. 8. LOAD does not clear user storage unless the CLEAR option is
specified. 9. If you wish to read in a group of CSECTs in a predetermined sequence, load or include a single TEXT file that contains a series
of ENTRY statements identifying the TEXT files or TXTLIB members
and the loading order desired. For this purpose you can create a
simulated TEXT file consisting solely of ENTRY statements. If the
entry point is not specified by a RESET operand or by the START command, insert an additional ENTRY card at the end of the sequence
to designate the entry point for execution.
LOADER CONTROL STATEMENTS You can add loader control statements to TEXT files either by editing
them or by punching real cards and adding them to a punched text deck
before reading it into your virtual machine. The seven control cards
recognized by the eMS loader are discussed below.
The ENTRY and LIBRARY cards, which are discussed first, are similar
to the OS linkage editor control statements ENTRY and LIBRARY. The CMS ENTRY and LIBRARY statements must be entered beginning in column 1. ENTRY Statement: The ENTRY statement specifies the first instruction to be-executed:--It can be placed before, between, or after object modules or other control statements. The format of the ENTRY statement is shown
in Figure 10. The external name is an entry name or the name of a
control section. If needed, the loader searches for text to resolve the
external reference. If multiple ENTRY statements are submitted, only
the last statement read can affect determination of the entry point for
execution. The selected point of entry must be the name of an
instruction, not of data.
r , ENTRY 1 external name
Figure 10. ENTRY Statement Format The LIBRARY statement can be used to specify the
never-call function. The never-call function (indicated by an asterisk
(*) as the first operand) specifies those external references that are
not to be resolved by the automatic library call during any loader step.
It is negated when a deck containing the external name referred to is
included as part of the input to the The format of the LIBRARY statement is shown in Figure 11. The external reference refers to an
external reference that may be unresolved after input processing. It is
not to be resolved. Multiple external references within the parentheses
must be separated by commas. The LIBRARY statement can be placed
before, between, or after object decks or other control statements.
r , 1 LIBRARY * (external reference) , Figure 11. LIBRARY Statement Format
Loader Terminate (LDT) Statement: The LDT statement is used in a text library-as-the-last-r:ecord of a-member. It indica-ces to the loader that
all records for that member were processed. The LDT statement can
124 IBM VM/370 CMS Command and Macro Reference
LOAD contain a name to be used as the entry point for the loaded member. The LOT statement has the format shown in Figure 12. r , Column
34-80 L-- Contents !' 02' (12-2-9 punch).
Identifies this as a loader control statement. LOT - identifies type of statement.
Not used.
Blank or entry name (left-justified and padded with
blanks to eight characters) • Blank. Mav contain information specified on a SETSSI card
processed by the TXTLIB command.
Not used. ---'-' Figure 12. LOT statement Format The ICS statement changes the
length of a specified control section or defines a new control section.
It should be used onlv when REP statements cause a control section to be
increased in length. The format of an ICS statement is shown in Figure
13. An ICS statement must be placed at the front of the file or TEXT file. r- , Column , 2-4
30-72 , , 73-80 I 1---- -----, contents !' 02' (12-2-9 punch).
Identifies this as a loader control statement.
ICS --identifies the type of load statement.
Control section name -- left-justified in these columns.
(comma) • Hexadecimal length in bytes of the control section. This
must not be less than the actual length of the previously
specified control section. It must be right-justified in
columns with unused leading columns filled with zeros.
Blank. May be used for comments or left blank. , , , I I I , , , , , , , , , , , I I , , , , , Not used by the loader. You may leave these columns blank , or insert program identification for your own convenience. I ----I Only six characters can be coded for the CSECT names in , ,the ICS statement, but the loader program compares eight characters Ithe CSECT name from the TEXT file. tol I L -----.-1 Figure 13. ICS statement Format
section 2. CMS Commands 125
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