LOAD §gt The SLC statement sets the
location counter used with the loader. The file loaded after the SLC statement is placed in virtual storage beginning at the address set by
this SLC statement. The SLC statement has the format shown in Figure
14. It sets the location counter in one of three ways:
r I I I I , 1. With the absolute virtual address specified as a hexadecimal number
in columns 7-12.
2. With the symbolic address already defined as a
entry point. This is specified by a symbolic
columns 17-22.
program name or
name punched in
3. If both a hexadecimal address and a symbolic name are specified,
the absolute virtual address is converted to binary and added to
the address assigned to the symbolic name; the resulting sum is
the address to which the loader's location counter is set. For
example, if 0000F8 was specified in columns 7-12 of the SLC card
image and GAMMA was specified in columns 17-22, where GAKMA has an
assigned address of 006100 (hexadecimal), the absolute address in
columns 7-12 is added to the address assigned to GAKKA giving a
total of 0061F8. Thus, the location counter would be set to 0061F8. Column 2-4
24-72 73-RO contents 1C'02' (12-2-9 punch).
Identifies this as a loader control statement. SLC -- identifies the type of load statement.
Hexadecimal address to be added to the value of the symbol,
if any, in columns 17-22. It must be right-justified in
these columns, with unused leading columns filled with
Symbolic name whose assigned location is used by the
loader. Must be left-justified in these columns. If
the address in the absolute field is used.
Blank. May be used for comments or left blank.
Not used by the loader. You may leave these columns
blank or insert program identification for your own
blank, , , , I , , , , , L- ,------' Figure 14. SIC Statement Format A REP statement allows instructions and
constants to be changed and additions made. The REP statement must be
punched in hexadecimal code. The format of a REP statement is shown in
Figure 15. The data in columns 17-70 (excluding the commas) replaces
what has already been loaded into virtual storage, beginning at the
address specified in columns 7-12. REP statements are placed in the
file either (1) immediately preceding the last statement (END statement)
if the text deck does not contain relocatable data such as address
constants, or (2) immediately preceding the first RLO (relocatable
126 VM/370 CMS Command and Reference
LOAD dictionary) statement if there is relocatable data in the text deck. If
additions made by REP statements increase the length of a control
section, an rcs statement, which defines the total length of the control
section, must be placed at the front of the deck.
r I Column I I I , I 2-4 I , 5-6 I I 7-12 I I I 13-14
15-16 17-70 71-72 73-80 ----------------------------,
Contents (12-2-9 punch).
Identifies this as a loader control statement.
REP --identifies the type of load statement.
Hexadecimal starting address of the area to be replaced as
assigned by the assembler. It must be right-justified
in these columns with unused leading columns filled with
Blank. , I , I I , I , I , , I I , , I ESID (External Symbol Identification) --the hexadecimal , number assigned to the control section in which replacementt
is to be made. The LISTING file produced by the compiler , or assembler indicates this number. A maximum of 11 four-digit hexadecimal fields, separated by
commas, each replacing one previously loaded halfword (two
bytes). The last field must not be followed by a comma.
Not used by the loader. This field maj be
program identification may be inserted.
blank or
Figure 15. REP Statement Format An SPB statement instructs the loader
to update the location counter to point to the next page boundary. The SPB statement has the format shown in Figure 16.
r , Column contents I I 102 I -(12-2-9 punch). I Identifies this as a loader control statement. I I 2-4 SPB identifies the type of load statement. I I 5-80 May be used for comments or left blank. , L- ----------------- ______________ . __________________________________________ -J Figure 16. SPB Statement Format DMSLI07401 BEGINS ••• START was specified with LOAD and the loaded program starts
execution. Anv further responses are from the program.
Section 2. CMS Commands 127
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