search order
for CMS commands 7
for CMS loader 123
for executable phases in CMS/DOS 87
for relocatable modules in CMS/DOS 74-75
of CMS disks, querying 150 SEC operand
of LABELDEF command 110.1 of LABELDEF command (.21!:H!-XE1) 110.1 SEQUENCE control statement, for UPDATE command 203-204 sequence numbers
assigned to VSAM extents 68-69
in CMS/DOS 64.1 SEQ8 option of UPDATE command 201 SERIAL subcommand
ALL operand 248-249
description 248-249 OFF operand 248-249 ON operand 248-249 SET command (CMS) ABBREV option 168 AUTOREAD option 168-169 BLIP option 166
description 166
determining status of SET operands for
virtual machine environment 147 DOS opt ion 169 DOSLNCNT option 169 DOSPART option 169-170 IMPCP option 168 IMPEX option 168 INPUT option 167
LDRTBLS option 167 NONSHARE option 169 OUTPUT option 168 PROTECT option 168 RDYMSG option 167 REDTYPE option i68 RELPAGE option 167 SYSNAME option 169 UPSI option 169
set location counter (SLC), loader control
statement 126 SET operand
of HNDEXT macro 315
of HNDINT macro 316-317
of HNDSVC macro 317-318
set page boundary (SPB), loader control
statement 127 SET subcommand (DEBUG) 273
CAW operand 273 CSW operand 273 GPR operand 273 PSW operand 273 SHORT subcommand, description 250 SINGLE option of COPYFILE command 38 SKIP option
of DDR command INPUT/OUTPUT control
statement 48
of TAPE command 188 SL operand
of FILEDEF command 95
of FILEDEF command 95
of TAPEMAC command 192
of TAPEMAC command 192
of TAPPDS command (.2748=XX8) 195
of TAPPDS command (5748-XE1) 195 SLC statement location counter (SLC) statement) SO Immediate command 215 SORT command
description 171
storage requirements 171
option of DSERV command 77
sort fields, defining 171
source file, numbering records with UPDATE command 201 source files
identifying macro libraries 21,104 for assembler 23-28
updating 201 source statement libraries DOS/VS, displaying directories of 11 DOS/VSE displaying directories of 71
displaying directories of 11
source symbol table, assembler, generating
for VSAM 110 for VSAM for VSAM determine free extents
determine free extents (5148-XX8) 110.4 determine free extents (5748-XEj) 110.4 SPACE LINES (.SP) format
342. 2,342.11
word (.2 74 8- SPACE LINES (.SP) format
342.2,342.11 SPACE operand
word (.2 74 8- of TAPESL macro (5148-XX8) 338.2
of TAPESL macro
special variables
( 574 8- X E 1 ) 33 8. 2 EXEC special
specification list, for COPYFILE command,
format 42 SPECS option
of COPYFILE command 36
usage 42 SPOOL command
used with DISK DUMP command 58
used with PRINT command 140 SSERV command
description DISK option PRINT option PUNCH option
TERM option STACK 113
subcommand, description 250-251 value of &READFLAG special variable 302 stacking
EDIT subcommands 250-251 in EXEC procedure, testing whether there
are lines in stack 302 lines in console stack &BEGSTACK control statement 282
&STACK control statement 294 380 IBM VM/370 Command M..",... __ T'l_.t: _____ _ l..tUo.\.,r.LV ,j"\'Cl..CJ..,'C,!.J,,,,'I:;;::
START command
description 175 NO option 175
passing arguments 175
of FETCH command 87
of INCLUDE command 107 of LOAD ccmmand 121
starting point for execution of module,
setting 120 STAT option of LISTIO command 118 STATE command, description 177 STATEW command, description 177
status of virtual machine environment 147 STD option of SYNONYM command 184 STK option, of UPDATE command 210-211 STK option of UPDATE command 202 STMT option of ASSEMBLE command 26 STOR option of UPDATE command 202 storage
clearing to zeros
in CMS/DOS 75-76
with INCLUDE command 106 with INCLUDE command C2748-XX8) 106.3 with INCLUDE command C2148-XE1) 106.3 with LOAD command 120 displaying with LINEDIT macro 323-325
examining in debug environment 275
initializing for MODULE file execution 101 modifying during program execution 274 printing contents of 268
releasing pages of after command
execution 148,167
requirements for SORT command 171
specifying storage for CMS/DOS partition 169-170 used by GETFILE subcommand 232 STORE, subcommand, description 274 STR option of GENMOD command 101 SUB operand of LINEDIT macro 322-323
of DOS/VS source statement, copying
books 173
of DOS/VSE source statement
copying books 173
copying books (2148-XEj) 173
subset, CMS CMS subset)
substit ution
in EXEC procedure, inhibiting 299
list for LlNEDIT macro 322-323
specifying length 326
of message text in LINEDIT macro
substrings, extracting in EXEC procedure, &SUBSTR built-in function 299 SUL operand
of FILEDEF command (2748-XX8) 95
of FILEDEF command 95
of HELP format words 342.2
of HELP format words 342.2 SiC instructions
handling interruptions during program
execution 317-318 tracing 179 SVCTRACE command
description 179
output 179 SYM option
of OPTION command 138
of OPTION command (2748-XX8) 138
of OPTION command (5748-XE1) 138
symbol table, debug 267
symbolic names, assigning to storage
locations, in debug environment 267
defining 267
modifying 274
used to set breakpoints 264
in EXEC procedure
effect of undefined symbols in &IF
statement 289-290 reading from terminal or console
stack 291-292
substituted in EXEC procedure,
displaying 284-285
variable variable symbols) SYNONYM command CLEAR option 184
description 181
example 184 NOSTD option 184
relationship to SET AEEREV command 184-185 STD option 184
option, of CMS QUERY command 151
synonym table
clearing 184
defining 184
format for entries in 184
invoking 181
for CMS and user-written commands 181
def ining 184
displaying 151,184
examples 184
system, displaying 151 SYS option of LISTIO command 118 SYSCAT, assigning in CMS/DOS 66-67 SYSIN assembler input 27
logical unit assignment in CMS/DOS 30 SYSIPT, assigning for ESERV program 83 SYSLOG, assigning in CMS/DOS 30 SYSLST lines per page
displaying number of 154
setting number of 169 SYSNAME option of eMS SET command 169 SYSNAMES option of CMS QUERY command
149- 150 SYSPARM option of ASSEMBLE command 26-27 SYSPRINT control statement of DDR command
49 SYSRES, assigning in CMS/DOS 30 system and programmer logical units,
entering on DLBL command 63
Index 381
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