system disk
files available 17
releasing 158
system logical units
invalid assignments in CMS/DOS 30 listing assignments for in eMS/DOS 118
valid assignments in eMS/DOS 29 SYSTEM option of GENMOD command 102 system residence volume, DOS/VS, specifying
169 SYSTERM option of ASSEMBLE command 25
SySxxx option
of ASSGN command 29
of DLBL command 61
of LISTIO command 118
characters, how editor handles 233-234
settings, used by editor 251-252
TABSET subcommand
affected by IMAGE subcommand 233-234
description 251-252
assigning to logical units in CMS/DOS 30 backward spacing 188
control functions 188
restrictions when using 190 TAPECTL macro 337-338
controlling, TAPECTL macro 337-338
creating CMS disk files 194
dens ity of
spec ifyinq 189
specifying 190 specifying 190 displaying filenames on 188
dumping and loading eMS files 188
dumping and restoring disk data 46-56
created by OS utility programs 194
created by TAPE command 190 writing to disk 188
forward spacing 188
displaying definitions in effect 1 52
displaying definitions in effect 152
displaying VOL1 label (57!!8-XX8) 189
displaying VOL 1 label (57 189
in FILEDEF command processing 95
in FILEDEF command processing 95
in TAPEMAC command processing
(57 192
in TAPEMAC command processing 192
in TAPESL macro processing (2748-XX8) 338.1-338.2
in TAPESL macro processinq 338.1-338.2
in TAPPDS command processing 195,196
in TAPPDS command processing (2148-XE1) 195,196
specifying descriptive information 4 8- 110-110.3 specifying descriptive information 110-110.3 writing VOLl label 189
writing VOLl label 189
marks OS writing 189
standard-label processing 195
standard-label processing 196
standard-label processing 196
positioning 188
after VOLl label is processed 190 after VOL1 label is processed 48- X]l) 190 at specified file 188
TAPECTL macro 337-338
reading records from, RDTAPE macro
recording technique
specifying 189-190
specifying (5748-XX8) 190 specifying (5748-XE1) 190 rewinding 188
used for AMSERV input and output 20 entering ddnames 21
in eMS/DOS 21
writing records to, WRTAPE macro
TAPE command
BLKSIZE option 189
BLKSIZE option 189
control functions BSF 188
BSR 188
ERG 188
FSF 188
FSR 188 REW 188 RUN 188 WTM 189
DEN option 189
DEN option 190 DEN option 190 description 187
DISK option 189 DUMP option 188
dumping null block 190 DVOL1 operand (5748-XX8) 189 DVOLl operand 189 EO F option 189 EOT option 189 LEAVE option 190 LEAVE option 190 LOAD option 188 MODESET option 188 NOPRINT option 189 NOWTM option 189
PRINT option 189 REWIND option 190 REWIND option 190 SCAN option 188
382 IBM VM/370 eMS Command and Macro Reference
SKIP option 188
TAPn option 189
TERM option 189
TRTCH option 189-190 TRTCH option 190 TRTCH option 190 WTM option 189 WVOL1 operand 189 WVOL1 operand (5748-XE1) 189
7TRACK option, 189
7TRACK option 190 7TRACK option (5748-XE1) 190 9TRACK option 189
9TRACK option 190 9TRACK option (5748-XE1) 190 TAPECTL macro
description 337-338 ERROR operand 337-338 MODE operand 337-338
TAPEMAC command
description 192
ID operand 192
ID operand (5748-XE1) 192
ITEMCT option 192 NSL operand NSL operand SL operand (5748-XX8) SL operand TAPn option 192 TAPESL macro
BLKCT operand 338.2
BLKCT operand 338.2
description 338.1-338.2
description 338.1-338.2 ERROR operand (5748-XX8) 338.2 ERROR operanq (5748-X]J) 338.2
LABID operand 338.1
LABID operand (5748-XE1) 338.1 MODE operand 338.1 MODE operand (5748-XE1) 338.1 SPACE operand (5748-XX8) 338.2 SPACE operand (5748=XE1) 338.2
TM operand (5748-XX8) 338.2 TM operand 338.2
TAPIN option of AMSERV command 20 TAPn option
of ASSGN command 29
of FILEDEF command
usaqe (5748-XX8) usage of TAPE command 189 90 95
of TAPEMAC command 192
of TAPPDS command 195 TAPOUT option of AMSERV command 20 TAPPDS command COL1 option 195
description 194
END option 195
END option END option ID operand ID operand MAXTEN option 195
195 MAXTEN option (5748-XX8) 196 MAXTEN option 196 NOCOL1 option 195 NOEND option 195 NOEND option (5748-XX8) 196 NOEND option 196 NOMAXTEN option 195 NOMAXTEN option (5748-XX8) 196 NOMAXTEN option (5748-XE1) 196 NOPDS option 195 NSL operand 195 NSL operand (5748-XE1) 195 PDS option 195
processing OS standard-label tapes 195
processing as standard-label tapes (5748-XX8) 196
processing as standard-label tapes (5748-XE1) 196 SL operand (5748-XX8) 195 SL operand (5748-XE1) 195
TAPn option 195 UPDATE option 195
TD option of DSERV command 77
TERM option
of DOSLIB command 72-73
of DOSLKED command 74-75
of DSERV command 77
of MACLIB command 130 of OPTION command 138
of OPTION command (5748-XE1) 138
of PSERV command 142
of RSERV command 162
of SSERV command 173
of TAPE command 189
of TXTLIB command 197
of UPDATE command 202 terminal
displaying lines WRTERM macro
341- 342
displaying records at 46-56
determining if terminal is displayinq 302 halting 214
halting in EXEC procedure 294
restoring 215
restoring in EXEC procedure 294
reading data from
during EXEC procedure 291-292
with RDTERM macro 335-336
waiting for I/O to complete, WAITT macro 340 TERMI NAL option
of ASSEMBLE command 26
of ASSGN command 29
of FILEDEF command 90 TEST option of ASSEMBLE command 25 TEXT assembler output ddname 27
automatic loading 121
cards read by loader 122
creating with assembler 25
executing with RUN command 164
link-editing in CMS/DOS 74-76,74-75
linking in storage 120 loading into storage during program
execution 304 loading into virtual storage 120 resolving unresolved references with LOAD command 121
Index 383
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