Columns={0 | cols}
GreenBar={No | Yes}
BarColor={colour | #rrggbb}
FeedHoles={No | Yes}
Compress={Yes | No}
Table 7: HercPrt PDF and RTF Options PaperSize
Predefined "PaperSize=" values are "USFanFold" (default), "USCompactFanFold" (LPI=8), "USLetter",
"ISOA3", "ISOA4", "ISOB4", "ISOB4Extra" and "ISOC3". When a predefined "PaperSize=" value is used
then a "PaperWidth=" and "PaperHeight=" value need not be entered. Otherwise define your custom form
size via "PaperWidth=" and "PaperHeight=". PaperWidth / PaperHeight
"PaperWidth=" and "PaperHeight=" values are expressed in either fractional inches (the default) or whole
millimeters. To express a value in millimeters append "mm" to your value (e.g. "297mm").
Note: when defining your form's width do not include the width of the feedholes. The width of the feed-
holes (0.5 inches on either side of your form) is automatically added to your specified paper width at run-
time whenever the "FeedHoles=Yes" option is specified. Your "PaperWidth=" value should always be
specified as the actual printable width of your form and should not include the width of the feedholes area. Orientation
Specifying "Orientation=Landscape" or "Orientation=Portrait" will swap your specified "PaperWidth=" and
"PaperHeight=" values if necessary in order to match your defined orientation.
Therefore defining "PaperWidth=8.5" and "PaperHeight=11" (or "PaperSize=USLetter") along with "Orien-
tation=Landscape" will cause a paper width of 11 inches and a paper height of 8.5 inches to be used in-
stead. HorzMargin
The "HorzMargin=" value specifies how far from the left edge of the form the first character of the print
line is. For PDF output the "HorzMargin=" value defines both the left and right margins (the right margin
being the end of the print line, i.e. the position past which no character will print). For RTF output
however, it defines only the left margin and the right margin is always set to zero. Additionally, for RTF
output, print lines that extend beyond the right margin automatically wrap to the next print line whereas for
PDF output they are simply truncated.
The vertical margin at the top of every page is fixed at 0.5 inches and cannot be changed. The first print-
able line on a page after performing a page eject is therefore always the 4th physical line on the page
when printing at 6 lines per inch or the 5th physical line if printing at 8 lines per inch (even though in both
cases it is still considered to be line number 1).
The only way to print within the top 0.5 inches of your form is to continue printing beyond the bottom of
the previous page such that your print then "overflows" onto the first physical line of the next page. Be
aware however that you cannot do this continuously. That is to say your page cannot be of unlimited
length. When any page grows to be 500 lines long or longer a page-eject is automatically forced and this
behavior cannot be overridden.