Figure 3: Console Panel Log Area

The amount of messages that are written to the log is customizable. Using the OSTAILOR system para-
meter or console command, messages that are considered normal for the type of operating system you
are running can be suppressed.

The additional PGMTRACE console command allows further to fine tune the tracing of program interrupt
exceptions that are displayed on the console. Finally the MSGLVL system parameter or console com-
mand can be used to set the level of displayed messages.

Error messages are displayed in red and are held at the top of the log window until they are cleared with
a MSGHLD CLEAR or KD console command or the timeout for held messages expires. The default time-
out value for held messages is two minutes and can be set or changed through the MSGHLD system pa-
rameter or console command.

4.2.3 Command Line

At the bottom of the log area is the command line (“herc =====>”). Here you can enter Hercules console
commands or SCP / PSCP commands (commands intended for the operating system running under Her-

Figure 4: Console Panel Command Line

Given without prefix the entered command is assumed to be a Hercules command. Prefixed with a period
(dot) or an exclamation mark the command is assumed to be a SCP reply or a SCP priority message re-

If you are mainly working with Hercules commands then this behavior is fine. However if you are entering
a lot of SCP or PSCP commands then every time prefixing the command with a period or exclamation

mark can be somewhat cumbersome. In this case you can change the target for entered commands
through the CMDTGT console command. As per default the command target is Hercules.

4.2.4 Status Line

The status line shows on the left the CPU that is the current target for console commands. The target
CPU can be changed through the “CPU” console command. Beneath the CPU information the status line
displays the current PSW of the target CPU.

On the right side of the status line the overall instruction count is displayed together with the actual MIPS
rate. The status line is refreshed at a fixed rate of 1000 milliseconds (once per second). This rate is inde-
pendent of the PANRATE setting.

Figure 5: Console Panel Status Line

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