

¬¬¬¬ PARM= ¬¬§¬¬¬¬ option_1 ¬¬¬¬§¬¬¬¬¬¬

ª¬¬¬¬ option_2 ¬¬¬¬«


A keyword with options. Only one of the
available options may be specified. The
underscored option is the default if the
whole keyword statement is not coded.


ª¬¬¬¬ optional_choice_1 ¬¬¬¬«

An optional choice (keyword or variable)
with default appears vertically stacked
with the default value above the main
path of the horizontal line and the remai-
ning optional elements below the main
path of the horizontal line. Only one of
the available options may be specified. If
none of these elements is explicitly
specified, the default above the main line
is taken.


optional choice ¬¬¬¨¬¬¬¯



optional choice ¬¬¬¨¬¬¬¯

An arrow returning to the left of an ele-
ment below the main path of the hor-
izontal line indicates an optional repeat-
able item. A character within the arrow
path means that repeated items have to
be separated by that character. If there is
no character within the arrow path then
the items are separated by a blank.

element ¬¬¬¬¨¬¬¬¬¬

¬¬¬¬ required element ¬¬¬¬¨¬¬¬¬¬

An arrow returning to the left of an ele-
ment on the main path of the horizontal
line indicates an required repeatable
item. A character within the arrow path
means that repeated items have to be
separated by that character. If there is no
character within the arrow path then the
items are separated by a blank.

¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬« SEGMENT ª¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

This symbol is a reference to a syntax
segment, which is described separately
below the main syntax diagram. Complex
syntax diagrams are occasionally broken
into separated simpler segments.



ª¬¬¬ SEGMENT= ¬¬¬§¬¬¬ value_1 ¬¬¬§¬¬¬«

value 2 ¬¬¬¯

This symbol indicates a syntax segment
which is referenced from a main syntax
diagram that is shown above the syntax


Keywords are denoted with upper case
letters. Obey the spelling. Lower case
letters are optional and can be omitted
(for example DISable). In the actual
statements or commands the keywords
can be coded in upper case or lower
case letters.


All user defined values are denoted with
lower case italic letters. They represent
user supplied names or values. In the
actual statements or commands they can
be coded in upper case or lower case

Table 12: Reading Syntax Diagrams

B.3 Sample Syntax Description

The following figure shows a sample of a complex syntax description. This is not an example of an exis-
ting system parameter or panel command. It is used mainly to demonstrate the “look and feel” of syntax


CMDNAME required argument [optional argument]

{required choice 1 |
required choice 2 |
required choice }

[optional choice 1 |
optional choice 2]




[KEYWORD=default choice | KEY
WORD={choice 1 | choice 2}]

repeatable item n
{repeatable item n ...}

repeatable item n
{,repeatable item n ,...}

fragment name

(variable 1, variable 2)

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