4.3.2 Status Panel Heading
The heading of the device and status panel is the small blue line just below the window title.
Figure 8: Device and Status Panel – Title Line
The heading consists of the following information:
Hercules - CPU: nnn% - architecture mode – Peripherals
“Hercules” and “Peripherals” is fix text, “CPU
nnn%” displays the overall CPU utilization of the host sys-
tem. The “architecture mode” field displays the current architecture mode as specified with the ARCHLVL
(or ARCHMODE) system parameter or console command or the architecture mode that the operating
system has switched to after the IPL.
4.3.3 Register Area
On top of the register area the current content of the Program Status Word (PSW) is displayed. The PSW
cannot be altered from the device and status panel. To alter the individual fields of the PSW the corres-
ponding “PSW” console command must be used after switching to the console panel.
Figure 9: Device and Status Panel – Register Area
Below the PSW the registers are shown. The type of registers that are displayed can be selected through
pressing the first (highlighted) letter of their abbreviation as shown in the description line directly below
the registers: