outfile ¬¬¬¯ Parameter
Indicates that each input file line starts with an ASA/ANSI carriage control character
(e.g. 1, 0, -, +, or <blank>).
-l lpi
Lines per inch: 6 or 8. (The default is 6 LPI).
-f fontsize
Font size: 9, 10 11 or 12 pt. (The default is 12 pt, if 6 LPI; otherwise 9pt).
-w width
Paper width in inches or millimeters. (Default is 13.875 inches).
-h height
Paper height in inches or millimeters. (Default is 11.0 inches).
-m margin
Left / right margin in inches or millimeters. (Default is 0.25 inches).
-t “title”
Document title property.
-s “subject”
Document subject property.
-r “author”
Document author property.
-i infile
The name (and optionally path) of the input “.txt” file to be converted.
-o outfile
The name (and optionally path) of the output “.pdf” or “.rtf” file (see notes).
PDF options:
Green bar paper.
-c color
Green Bar color: 'Green' (default), 'Blue', 'Red', 'Yellow', or custom color specified
as '#RRGGBB' HTML color value.
No color (i.e. outlined "transparent" green bar).
Uncompressed PDF output. (Default is compressed).
-# cols
Columns: 0-255. (Default is 0; see notes).
cede the name of the input file or follow it or both, but the -i switch is required to identify the name
of the actual input file.