
outfile ¬¬¬¯ Parameter



Indicates that each input file line starts with an ASA/ANSI carriage control character
(e.g. 1, 0, -, +, or <blank>).

-l lpi

Lines per inch: 6 or 8. (The default is 6 LPI).

-f fontsize

Font size: 9, 10 11 or 12 pt. (The default is 12 pt, if 6 LPI; otherwise 9pt).

-w width

Paper width in inches or millimeters. (Default is 13.875 inches).

-h height

Paper height in inches or millimeters. (Default is 11.0 inches).

-m margin

Left / right margin in inches or millimeters. (Default is 0.25 inches).

-t “title”

Document title property.

-s “subject”

Document subject property.

-r “author”

Document author property.

-i infile

The name (and optionally path) of the input “.txt” file to be converted.

-o outfile

The name (and optionally path) of the output “.pdf” or “.rtf” file (see notes).

PDF options:


Green bar paper.

-c color

Green Bar color: 'Green' (default), 'Blue', 'Red', 'Yellow', or custom color specified
as '#RRGGBB' HTML color value.


No color (i.e. outlined "transparent" green bar).




Uncompressed PDF output. (Default is compressed).

-# cols

Columns: 0-255. (Default is 0; see notes).


All PDF options are ignored when the output file is “.rtf” and not “.pdf”. The -i switch is required in order to support specifying all options in any order. Options may pre-
cede the name of the input file or follow it or both, but the -i switch is required to identify the name
of the actual input file.
If -o is not specified the output file is named the same name as the input file but with a .PDF file
extension. If you wish convert your file to .RTF instead of .PDF, then you MUST use the -o option
to specify an output name ending with the ".RTF" file extension.
The default paper size is US Standard Fanfold (13.875 x 11). Custom sizes should be specified in
fractional inches or whole millimeters. To specify millimeters append 'mm' to your specified size
(e.g. '287mm').
The top margin size is fixed at 0.5 inches and cannot be changed. Do not include the width of the feedholes when specifying your paper width. The width of the
feedholes (0.5 inches) is automatically added at runtime.
The -n option is mutually exclusive with the -c option and overrides it when specified. Both are
ignored if the -g option is not also specified.
If the -# (columns) option is specified then each line is either squished or stretched in an attempt
to fit exactly that number of columns of print onto each print line, usually resulting in a very ugly
looking report. For best results it is recommended you not specify the -# option, or specify it as '0'
(zero) for the default horizontal pitch of 10 characters per inch. ASA Characters and their ASCII Equivalents

Unless the -a "ASA" option is specified, each line of the text input file that ends with a CR (carriage
return) will cause that line to be overlaid with the text from the next one. Each line which ends with a LF
(line feed or "new line" (NL) character) causes a skip to the next line after that line is printed. Skips to new
pages only occur whenever a FF (form feed) character is encountered.

If the -a "ASA" option is specified, then each line of the input file is expected to start with an ASA (ANSI)
carriage control character which identifies the action to be taken before that line is printed. Lines starting
with a '1' cause a skip to the top of a new page before printing the line.

Lines starting with a blank cause a skip to a new line to occur before that line is printed. A '+' causes no
spacing to occur thereby causing the line to overlay the previous one. '0' skips two lines before printing
and '-' skips three lines before printing:

ASA Character

Action to take before printing

ASCII Equivalent


Advance to next page (Form Feed).



Do not advance any lines before printing (overstrike the pre-
vious line).



Advance one line (single spacing).



Advance two lines (double spacing).



Advance three lines (triple spacing).


Table 8: HercPrt ASA Control Characters and ASCII Equivalents

6.2.10 Samples

The first sample shows a “Job Separator Control File” for MVS 3.8J. It is based on the sample that is pro-
vided with the HercPrt Software.

Please note, that the sections “Separator” and “FieldNames” have been shortened to keep the sample
within reasonable limits in this manual. Both sections show only the first and the last entry of the nume-

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