A list of Hercules supported device types and models can be found in Appendix A.
Cyls specifies the size of the new volume in cylinders. If cyls is coded as “*” (aste-
risk), as “0” or is omitted, then the default size for the device type and model is
used. Cylinders is ignored for compressed devices.
An optional parameter specifying the name of a file containing the IPL text which
will be written to the volume. The file must be in the form of an object deck con-
taining fixed length 80-byte records in the same format as expected by IBCDASDI
or ICKDSF. Dataset Statement
dsname method units pri sec
dir dsorg recfm lrecl blksize keylen
Êʬ¬¬ dsname ¬¬¬
method ¬¬¬ units ¬¬¬ pri ¬¬¬ sec ¬¬¬ dir ¬¬¬ dsorg ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ê
ʬ¬¬ recfm ¬¬¬ lrecl ¬¬¬ blksize ¬¬¬ keylen ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ
The name of the dataset to be created.
The dataset loading method can be one of the following:
XMIT filename
The dataset is loaded from an unloaded PDS created by the TSO XMIT command.
The input is a binary file containing fixed length 80 byte records with no record
VS filename
The dataset is loaded from an unloaded PDS created by IEBCOPY. The input is a
binary file containing variable length spanned records with the record descriptor
words omitted and with no record delimiters.
SEQ filename
The dataset is loaded from an binary file. ASCII / EBCDIC conversion is not cur-
rently supported. Also the DSORG must be ‘PS’ or ‘DA’ and RECFM must either be
‘F’ or ‘FB’.
XMSEQ filename
The dataset is loaded from a dump of a sequential dataset created by the TSO
XMIT command. The input is a binary file containing fixed length 80 byte records
with no record delimiters.
The dataset is initialized with an end-of-file record (if DSORG is ‘PS’) or is an empty
PDS directory (if DSORG is ‘PO’).