A list of Hercules supported device types and models can be found in Appendix A.


Cyls specifies the size of the new volume in cylinders. If cyls is coded as “*” (aste-
risk), as “0” or is omitted, then the default size for the device type and model is
used. Cylinders is ignored for compressed devices.


An optional parameter specifying the name of a file containing the IPL text which
will be written to the volume. The file must be in the form of an object deck con-
taining fixed length 80-byte records in the same format as expected by IBCDASDI
or ICKDSF. Dataset Statement


dsname method units pri sec
dir dsorg recfm lrecl blksize keylen


Êʬ¬¬ dsname ¬¬¬
method ¬¬¬ units ¬¬¬ pri ¬¬¬ sec ¬¬¬ dir ¬¬¬ dsorg ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬Ê

ʬ¬¬ recfm ¬¬¬ lrecl ¬¬¬ blksize ¬¬¬ keylen ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ÊÍ



The name of the dataset to be created.


The dataset loading method can be one of the following:

XMIT filename
The dataset is loaded from an unloaded PDS created by the TSO XMIT command.
The input is a binary file containing fixed length 80 byte records with no record

VS filename
The dataset is loaded from an unloaded PDS created by IEBCOPY. The input is a
binary file containing variable length spanned records with the record descriptor
words omitted and with no record delimiters.

SEQ filename
The dataset is loaded from an binary file. ASCII / EBCDIC conversion is not cur-
rently supported. Also the DSORG must be ‘PS’ or ‘DA’ and RECFM must either be
‘F’ or ‘FB’.

XMSEQ filename
The dataset is loaded from a dump of a sequential dataset created by the TSO
XMIT command. The input is a binary file containing fixed length 80 byte records
with no record delimiters.

The dataset is initialized with an end-of-file record (if DSORG is ‘PS’) or is an empty
PDS directory (if DSORG is ‘PO’).

The dataset is initialized with a LOGREC header record.

The dataset is initialized as an OS SYSCTLG containing the minimum entries
needed to IPL an OS/360 system.

VTOC filename
Specifies the size and location of the VTOC. A dataset name must be coded on this
statement although it is not used. If no VTOC statement is present, the VTOC will
be placed after the last dataset on the volume and the size of the VTOC will be the
minimum number of tracks necessary.


This specifies the space allocation units: ‘TRK’ or ‘CYL’.


This is the space allocation primary quantity.


This is the space allocation secondary quantity.


This is the number of directory blocks.


This specifies the dataset organization: ‘PS’, ‘PO’, ‘DA’ or ‘IS’.


This is the record format: ‘F’, ‘FB’, ‘FBS’, ‘V’, ‘VB’, ‘VBS’ or ‘U’.


This is the logical record length.


This is the block size.


This is the key length.

All parameters except the dsname and method are optional. Defaults of zero are supplied for DCB para-
meters. For datasets loaded with the XMIT method the DCB parameters are taken from the unloaded
PDS, minimum space allocation required to load the dataset is used unless a larger quantity is specified.
If space allocation is omitted the default is ‘TRK 1 0 0’. If CYL is specified without any primary quantity
then the default allocation is 1 cylinder or the minimum number of cylinders required to load the dataset,
whichever is larger.

5.11.5 Examples

Example 1:

Create a 2314 volume in a file called SYSRES.230 using the control file SYSRES.PLF with message
level 2.


The corresponding control file SYSRES.PLF looks like the following:

# Pack layout file for MFT system residence volume

sysres 2314 * ieaipl00.rdr

sys1.parmlib xmit /cdrom/os360/reslibs/parmlib.xmi

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