3. Summary of changes

3.1 Version 4, First Edition (HEUR040000-00)

This section describes briefly the various changes that have been made in the “User Reference Guide”
related to the previous edition. The most significant changes made in this edition of the manual are the

Chapter 2 ( Related Publications ): New manual “Operations and Utilities Guide” added. Chapter 3 ( Summary of changes ) added. Chapter 4 ( Hercules Configuration File ): New sections for the following system parameters
o ARCHLVL (Set architecture level) o AUTOINIT (Automatic creation of empty tape files) o CAPPING (CPU capping feature) o CMDLEVEL (Set current command group) o CMDSEP (Command line separator) o CP_UPDT (User character conversion table) o CPUIDFMT (Set format BASIC / 0 / 1 STIDP generation) o DEFSTORE (Define main and expanded storage) o HAO (Hercules Automatic Operator) o HTTP (HTTP server configuration) o MAXRATES (MIPS/SIO rate reporting interval) o MEMLOCK (Lock Hercules memory) o MSGHLD (Timeout value of held messages) o MSGLEVEL (Message display output) o QUITMOUT (Quit timeout value) o SCPECHO (Echo to console and history of SCP replies) o SCPIMPLY (Pass non-Hercules commands to the SCP) o SCSIMOUNT (Automatic SCSI tape mounts) o SHOWDVOL1 (Enable showing of DASD volsers in device list) o SRVPRIO (Server threads priority) o SYMPTOM (Instruction trace display option) Chapter 6 ( Device Definition Descriptions ): New section PTP (MPCPTP/PCPTP6 Channel-to-
Channel link)
added. Chapter 7 ( Hercules Console ): New section Programmed Function Key (PF Key) Support
Chapter 8 ( Console Command Descriptions ): New sections for the following console commands
o $LOCATE (Display and verify Hercules control blocks)
o $TEST (Custom test command) o $ZAPCMD (Enable or disable system parameters and console commands) o ARCHLVL (Set architecture level) o AUTOINIT (Display or set the automatic creation of empty tape files) o CACHESTATS (Display cache statistics) o CAPPING (Display or set CPU capping value) o CMDLEVEL (Display or set current command group) o CMDSEP (Display or set current command line separator) o CNSLPORT (Display or set console port) o CODEPAGE (Display or set codepage conversion table) o CP_UPDT (Create or modify user character conversion table) o CPUIDFMT (Display or set format BASIC / 0 / 1 STIDP generation) o CPUMODEL (Display or set CPU model number) o CPUPRIO (Display or set CPU thread process priority) o CPUSERIAL (Display or set CPU serial number) o CPUVERID (CPU version code) o DEFSTORE (Display or define main and expanded storage values) o DEVPRIO (Display or set device threads process priority) o DIAG8CMD (Display or set DIAGNOSE 8 command option) o DIR (Display file and directory listing) o ENGINES (Set processor engines type) o EXEC (Execute a REXX script) o FCB (Display current FCB or load new FCB image) o HERCPRIO (Display or set Hercules process priority) o HTTP (Start, stop, modify and display HTTP server) o ICOUNT (Display individual instruction counts) o KD (Clear held messages) o LEGACYSENSEID (Display or set SENSE ID CCW (x'E4') feature) o LS (Display file and directory listing) o MAINSIZE (Display or set main storage size) o MANUFACTURER (Display or set STSI manufacturer code) o MAXCPU (Display or set maximum number of CPUs) o MEMLOCK (Lock Hercules memory) o MODEL (Display or set STSI model code) o MODPATH (Display or set dynamic load module path) o MSGLEVEL (Display or set the current message display output) o MT (Control magnetic tape operation) o NUMCPU (Display or set number of emulated CPUs)
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