The sign bit of the second operand is made zero,
while characteristic and fraction are not changed. In
short-precision, the low-order half of the result register
remains unchanged and is not tested.
Resulting Condition Code:
o Result fraction is zero
2 Result is greater than zero
Program Interruptions: Operation (if floating-p@int feature is not in­
Load Negative
LNER RR (Short Operands)
7 8 11 12 15
LNDR RR (Long Operands)
78 1112 15
The second operand is placed in the first operand
location with the sign made minus.
The sign bit of the second operand is made one,
even if the fraction is zero. Characteristic and fraction
are not changed. In short-precision, the low-order half
of the result register remains unchanged and is not
Resulting Condition Code:
o Result fraction is zero
1 Result is less than zero
Program Interruptions: Operation (if floating-point
stalled) Specification Add Normalized AER RR. (Short Operands) I 3A R1 I R2 I 0 78 11 12 15
AE RX (Short Operands) I 7A Rl I X
2 I B2 0 78 11 12 1516 1920 44
feature is not in-
ADR RR (Long Operands) I 2A Rl I R2 I 0 78 11 12 15
AD RX (Long Operands) I 6A Rl I X
2 I B2 D2 0 7 8 11 12 1516 1920 31
The second operand is added to the first operand, and
the normalized sum is placed in the first operand
In short-precision the low-order halves of the float­
ing-point registers are ignored and remain unchanged.
Addition of two floating-point numbers consists of a
characteristic comparison and a fraction addition. The
characteristics of the two operands are compared, and
the fraction with the smaller characteristic is right­
shifted; its characteristic is increased by one for each
hexadecimal digit of shift, until the two characteristics
agree. The fractions are then added algebraically to
form an intermediate sum. If an overflow carry occurs,
the intermediate sum is right-shifted one digit, and the
characteristic is increased by one. If this increase
causes a characteristic overflow, an exponent-overflow
exception is signaled, and a program interruption
The short intermediate sum consists of seven hex­
adecimal digits and possible carry. The low-order
digit is a guard digit retained from the fraction which
is shifted right. Only one guard digit participates in
the fraction addition. The guard digit is zero if no shift
occurs. The long intermediate sum consists of 14 hex­
adecimal digits and a possible carry. No guard digit
is retained.
After the addition, the intermediate sum is left­
shifted as necessary to form a normalized fraction;
vacated low-order digit positions are filled with zeros
and the characteristic is reduced by the amount of
If normalization causes the characteristic to under­
flow, characteristic and fraction are made zero, an
exponent-underflow exception exists, and a program
interruption occurs if the corresponding mask bit is
one. If no left shift takes place the intermediate sum
is truncated to the proper fraction length.
When the intermediate sum is zero and the signifi­
cance mask bit is one, a significance exception exists,
and a program interruption takes place. No normal­
ization occurs; the intermediate sum characteristic
remains unchanged. When the intermediate sum is
zero and the significance mask bit is zero, the program
interruption for the significance exception does not
occur; rather, the characteristic is made zero, yielding
a true zero result. Exponent underflow does not occur
for a zero fraction.
The sign of the sum is derived by the rules of
algebra. The sign of a sum with zero result fraction
is always positive.
Resulting Condition Code: o Result fraction is zero
1 Result is less than zero
2 Result is greater than zero
3 Result exponent overflows
Program Interruptions:
Operation (if floating-point feature is not in-
Addressing (AE and AD only)
Exponent overflow
Exponent underflow
Programming Note
Interchanging the two operands in a floating-point
addition does not affect the value of the sum.
Add Unnormalized AUR RR (Short Operands) I 3E Rl I R2 I 0 78 11 12 15
AU RX (Short Operands) I 7E Rl I X
2 I B2 D2 0 78 11 12 1516 1920 31
AWR RR (Long Operands) I 2E Rl I R2 I 0 78 11 12 15
AW RX (Long Operands) I 6E Rl I X
2 I B2 0 78 11 12 1516 1920 31
The second operand is added to the first operand, and
the unnormalized sum is placed in the first operand
In short-precision, the low-order halves of the float­
ing-point registers are ignored and remain unchanged.
After the addition the intermediate sum is truncated
to the proper fraction length.
When the resulting fraction is zero and the signifi­
cance mask bit is one, a significance exception exists
and a program interruption takes place. When the
resulting fraction is zero and the significance mask
bit is zero, the program interruption for the signifi­
cance exception does not occur; rather, the character­
istic is made zero, yielding a true zero result.
Leading zeros in the result are not eliminated by
normalization, and an exponent underflow cannot
The sign of the sum is derived by the rules of
algebra. The sign of a sum with zero result fraction is
always positive.
Resulting Condition Code: o Result fraction is zero
1 Result is less than zero
2 Result is greater than zero
3 Result exponent overflows
Program Interruptions:
Operation (if floating-point feature is not in-
Addressing (AU and A w
Exponent overflow
Subtract Normalized SER RR (Short Operands) I 3B Rl I R2 I 0 78 11 12 15 SE RX (Short Operands) I 7B Rl I X
2 I B2 D2 0 78 11 12 1516 1920 31 SDR RR (Long Operands) I 2B Rl I R2 I 0 78 11 12 15 SD RX (Long Operands)
7 8 11 12 1516 1920 31
The second operand is subtracted from the first op­
erand, and the normalized difference is placed in the fi'rst operand location.
Floating-Point Arithmetic 45
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